Octopots big and small and assorted tomfoolery

I’m one of them lazy people… Had my water tested. Plugged in the numbers on Peter’r/osmocote website… Bang

I have been feeding my current batch Peter’s 15-5-15 + gypsym only.

They seem to like it so far. Kinda digging the simplicity.

Will smoke report.



I wouldn’t worry about temp
Officially 19c they say but I feel no big deal , plenty other things to do with time and electric

Rez temp would only come into play if other things were off and I would fix other things first and forget about Rez temp


Personally, I keep it off the concrete floor with workout mats and otherwise ignore water temp. Thx for the confirmation.


I never worry about temp in res except for sommer

But I pipe in ac and heat from the house

But normally in my garage the water stays at the mid 60’s


Yes do what you can but don’t stress or waste electric : )


So, How Do You Know…

When your plant can tolerate “Pushing?”

I’ve found that pushing early or too hard is way worse than caution. It works perfectly when everything else is dialed in. Pushing when any significant problem is present only makes thing worse.

Timing is everything, How do you know when to switch nute ratios?

All Respect,

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@SaintAliasKnife check out what they use here feed wise , it’s cheap and easy to use
Lowering n and raising p and k in flower will greatly improve quality ( density , power and smell ) of buds plus help come trim time , less leafs in bud


The ratios are set kind of for plant stages

1/1/1 veg
2/1/1 stretch w1-2 14 days
1/3/2 or 1/3/3 w2-w4 ( start when you see actual flowering starting
W4-7 1/4/4 or stop when you want or strain wants to stop flowering and wants to ripen
W8 to finish or when you want to start ripen then 1/2/6

Only ppm needs dailed in for each stage after that

You shouldn’t see any defs on that feed unless something else is up ie ph ppm or temp etc

If def occurs and it’s not related too what I am not pushing then I know it’s ph or envioment ( process of elimination ) and if im control I will know what’s causing it quickly


It IS expensive, and thise are the exact times I use it. I also throw a bit in my bubble cloner too when I take cuts. Good stuff :call_me_hand:


Wow. Seriously, wow. That’s the kind of knowledge I absorb like a sponge.

Thanks. @ifish,

Signing off,


If you use it as they recommend you have too many roots lol
I just use just enough at certain times as a bonus like a slight nudge tip balance in my favour soo lasts ages and good value

@Jinglepot : )


Once the penny drops it’s easy to see what we doin and why with that feed ( the understanding behind it ) then use this way of thinking with everything ( temp spectrum intensity )

Spring = veg = balanced feed
Early summer = stretch = high n
Summer = flowering = 1/3/3 high pk
Fall = ripening = 1/2/6 high k

And envio to match

Sending strong signal not confusing the plant
The plant is assessing eveeeeeery thing all the time

There’s more to it than using a one or two part and Flipping 12/12 : )

You don’t have to be perfect and push everything just feed and one or two others is enough as a signal but the more the better
( saves money too as plant only gets what it needs for that stage , nothing extra to confuse it )


Some Rhyzotonic root results… I dont get roots like these without it, lol, too many roots :laughing: use sparingly! Lol


I get it. I have the nutrients. and the schedules. trying this way currently. in a few months, i’ll test the output and decide then. I’m in no hurry, growing them is my zen. trying to simplify. I’m getting old, i tend to ruminate, simple is better for me mentally. I have to give it a fair shake.



You’ll see amazing results and you and your plants will love it

Using this schedule and my Octopots , really improved my grow in all stages

The quality, taste , density and quantity all improved greatly



Glad I found and caught up on your new thread Paps!! Plants look great!!


Ty @Joker good to see you around

Going tentless was a good move but more room means more plants lol



It’s a lot more comfortable, huh? :v:

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Bro I can move around in the room plants love the space and the hight is not an issue
Only thing is sounds and smell neighbors are on top of each other