Octopots big and small and assorted tomfoolery

ifish is so damn intelligent when it comes to ratios and ferts, mans a genius. Chris is truly the one to thank for the Octopots, he invented them, us Michiganders are not to shabby lol


Got me blushing again I see, love ya too man :slight_smile:


Jets right, I have fucked brains man lol seriously have PTSD, and some things, especially from men, make me nervous and I can’t participate now. Does suck, I was only trying to help.


Sending much love and respect to you lady
Your alway welcome at me casa



@ifish you got me thinking ! Mapito !

I’ll try a side by side grow next run I’ll do the same strain in an Octopot with rockwool ( mapito lol)
I imagine ph would be different then my normal 6 to 6.3

Also wondering about how much to use

The large Octopot takes 6 plus gallons of promix once filled
I normally don’t fill it all the way

Worried about it wicking up like the promix
? Will it get way too wet at the top or will it soak up too much or not enough
I guess that’s what the experiment will tell

I know @Jetdro will say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. But this could be fun

I believe roots move more freely through rockwool so it may get interesting :face_with_monocle:

What do all you OG’s think

Inquiring minds need to know

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Veg and stretch 5.6 ph
Flower 5.8 ph

Even when wet rookwool has the best air to water ratio
Plus octos use gradient from bottom feeding just like my crates

@Jetdro is going for it to , let the games begin : )

Rookwool must be set to 5.6ph so pm me when ready and I explain


Cool I’ll start it when I set up the next run
I know it’s reusable which is a big plus



Week 5.5 in flower in the Octopot
Feed. Mix 10/30/20 and 5/12/26 equal parts should = 1/4/4 npk
with a shot of molasses
Well did she like that one I swear that almost over night she got sticky as cotton candy

And in comparison to the plants I’ve grown from the mom it seems she’s finally at home
You need to treat this one separately from the rest
And longer veg time for her roots to hit the reservoir

I noticed as she was getting established in the Octopot when her roots where moving down towards the reservoir she hated it ( needed to spray her with foop ) once roots hit reservoir wow what an improvement

So I started treating the one in the fabric bags ( 1 week in flower) differently
I bottom fed using a 1/4 of the water I normally use and my soil moisture meter and once the water was sucked up I measured where the water reached and at what rate of saturation added more till it reached the appropriate area ( pure guess on my part ) and she’s happy happy using less is always better

Octo - Frankie so far
•buds are bigger
•stickier at this stage then ever
And looks so much better then iv ever seen her
No yellow ,bent down ,sad leaves
Happy happy smiling plant woo hoo

Pic where taken in the dark


Frankie looks great

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Are you sure this isn’t a 1/3/3 ratio? Am I doing my math wrong again?


You’re right
It’s early morning here lol


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Thanks brother as you know she gave me trouble

And Mac was a bit troublesome too

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Add some pk 13-14 to boost feed to 1/4/4

Say w3-4 you at 700ppm
Then w5 + you want to up ppm
Just keep base the same ppm and top up with pk to push ratio and ppm


I did jump up to 950 ish may be a little lower with Frankie she likes the boost

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Room looks a little crowded there Paps!! :rofl::rofl:


:wave::wave::wave::wave: @ifish

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How goes it @Joker
You still livin the dream : )


Yes I am!! Lol. Wanted to give you my finding on my real world experiment.

Plant 1- Trimmed everything except the top 3 flower sites. Too much at once and stunted the plant.

Plant 2- Trimmed to top 5 sites

Plant 3- Didn’t touch

With this cultivar, plant 2 was the big winner. Almost doubling the usable bud from plant 3.


Great bro that’s the way to see for sure


Those are coming along very nice. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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