Off Topic Complaints

I hate travel.
Full stop.


i know this can’t be just my SCREAMING COMPLAINT
how is it, you have these great companies offer these amazing deals…and we know they are great deals…but as soon as they promote the 24 hours of sales…you should have enough stock to make it to the 10th customer…tried all day to get mars $14 deals…all i needed was one fuckin set of veg80 lights…they were sold out in less then 5 hours…and same with the other items…then i went back to the clock…they still showed wellover 15 hours left…and zero stock…


I should clarify it’s 15%. I was off earlier.

It’s 5 % federal and 10% provincial.

This is the dream :grinning:

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I dislike when I have an odd number of eggs in the fridge.

I cook 2 eggs a day.

What am I going to do with it? It stays there forever.

It mocks me.


Good thread idea @Foreigner

Let’s get my runt (err rant): I hate wet summer, I can’t enjoy that it’s not too hot because I’m constantly worrying about the mold that’ll come at fall.

Edit: I also hate how I can be off-topic in an off-topic thread :laughing:


You have to love her “special outfit”.


It’s the off-off-topic topic that’s on the top of many of our minds these days… what a weird summer.


Do you think you could stay on the topic in the off off off topic thread?


Take that loose egg and drink it down Rocky style.


I think chucking at it one of the Maseratis around here will bring greater joy.


now THAT brings back a lot of half-memories…

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help me, it’s so boring to work, where do you look for motivation?

Well, hopefully work garners you a wage, which can then be exchanged for goods and services! That’s literally it for me. I’m a work to live, not live to work kinda dude. So anyway my off topic rant is related to the inherent alienation that goes with wage labor. Someone should write a book about this…:face_with_monocle:


It’s been writer and has pretty much been banned.


ever since i started charging more and working less it’s been great. i’m up to $100 per hour now and about 10 or less hours a week. i need to figure out how to keep the wage up and increase the hours. it seems to be tied together and inversely proportional.

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Driving is just a really shiny veneer on your big inner asshole. I swear it makes you a worse person.

People jockeying for position coming up to a red light, just to hammer it and cut off everybody…

There’s just no damn courtesy anywhere, lol.

Also, on travel holidays, I suggest whoever sits shotgun to throw random nuts and bolts out the window at the people zipping up the shoulder.

Very few things instill such rage in me, and will be given no courtesy


Batteries are a thing.

I used to get pissed off driving in the city, and in the burbs. Then I moved to the country.

I think I might need to go two towns over in either direction to get to a traffic light.


Driving in the city is ok. Every is an asshole but a predictable asshole. Driving in the suburbs, who knows what those crazy fuckers are going to do?

I run every day, and sometimes I end up running on a relatively narrow sometimes a little busy paved road. There is a sidewalk on the other side of the road, but it’s not a great sidewalk, and as people who run know… sidewalks and roads are totally different in terms of how they feel… so I run in the road. Keep in mind the whole stretch is a 30 mph zone. Also, double yellow lines are advisory here, so it’s not a violation to cross them (you can pass as long as it isn’t a marked no passing zone)… and I seriously doubt the cops would give anyone a hard time for giving a cyclist, runner, or pedestrian wide berth… not to mention they’re rarely around anyway. We live in the country, people generally drive politely and nobody cares.

Do people give me space? Most, I have to say, do… but others either buzz me at a pretty high rate of speed or come to a crawl as they go by very close. WTH people?