Off Topic Complaints

I used to bicycle quite frequently but I don’t have a death wish so I can’t do it around here.

They’ve put in these joke bike lanes. They’re 150 meters. And then end suddenly in the middle of nowhere at busy intersections.

“Infrastructure improvements”


So are old spark plugs what with the ceramic and all

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How’d you types much so fast? I’m co.plaining, lol

But for real, legit complaint

I’ve definitely been killed more as a pedestrian than as a driver

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I was a bike messenger for a few years… so city riding doesn’t generally bother me (back in the flow!) Still, while I’m down with sharrows… not sure how I’d feel trapped in some of these new-fangled “improvements”?


The sketchy shit I used to do on a motorcycle? Well…we don’t talk about that.

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When you pay a friend to dog sit while you got to a dead and co concert and you are dancing in front of your seat and some one walks up behind you wanting to get to their seat and they look like your dogs sitters identical twin and you turn around high as fuck and think oh now why is he here?


Let’s talk about mosquitoes. After four years of knocking down the old shed full of lead paint and encapsulating the site several inches deep with fresh topsoil and yanking up the bramble patch the previous owners left us handful by painful handful and setting up a tiny grove of fruit trees to hide the ganja and knocking down the old playset (easy) and installing the new one (tedious, expensive, and with a bonus dose of Québécois wildfire smoke) and you sit back to enjoy the fruits of your labor and then… worst summer for mosquitoes in three decades. I miss being outside.


This has been the worst year for mosquitos in the last 9 years… we’ve had some respite for the last week but we’re moving back into a rainy pattern they’ll probably be back with a vengeance.


Have you ever been in FL during Love bug season? :grimacing:


No what’s that?


Me too bud, me too…


Smoke, log in to OG, read a thread or two, realize I’m too high to deal with any more :sweat_smile:



Very messy.

The female is called F bug. The male is rich in potassium and is called the K bug. Wherever you see F you see K.


Yikes that a lotta bugs

im just pissed off im not born in the greek times when a small penis was envied by all the women.

that and when i ask for extra mayo they try and charge me an extra 50 cents. like buddy just give it and extra squirt its not coming out of your pocket… like come on stop fighting for the man


I don’t want to comment on the penis but if you try to charge me for extra mayo I will go somewhere that doesn’t.

Fucking pickle man.


pickle man and mayo dude need to meet up and fuck off

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They should start a business together called “No Toppings.”

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or that’lle be extra …

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