Off Topic Complaints

My sentiments exactly!

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King Soopers down the way yanked out several rows of human interaction registers and replaced them with self checkout stations a while back. When I go in to grab a beverage or whatever, they’re closed/roped off just like before the humans were replaced. Schenanagins!


I live in a town of 60K population they have regular people delivering groceries. They are here in 15 mins after leaving the store. Big city has to suck.
Springfield,OR like the Simpson’s :rofl:

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Never had my groceries delivered but I can definitely see the pros and cons. And ya that’s bs . Here take this stuff that’s been sitting outside all day :man_facepalming:t2: I can’t believe they tried that! Oh wait I can actually.
To each their own I suppose, my aunt gets everything delivered etc and loves it. I still enjoy grocery shopping personally although I always get way more than expected

Is this the Springfield it’s supposed to be? I always wondered that

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There are a lot of small towns called Springfield. :rofl:

They said “we’re putting it in a cab for you right now.”

I dislike grocery shopping period and it should be made as easy as possible.

@ColeLennon i think my city is 6 million. Let me check.

Yeah, 6 million.


I lived in Tampa Bay it was like half that.

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City life is very different that’s for sure.

Just gimme my groceries. No talking!

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Yeah there is a lot to say about solitude and not having to interact constantly with people.


Oddly, I find there is more (well lots, maybe not more) solitude in the city. I don’t know my neighbours names. I’ve lived here 7 years.

And I don’t want to know their names I want them to leave me alone.

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Exactly how I feel


I go out to walk the dog and I recognize other dogs but fuck if I know their owners and it suits me just fine.


Omfg that’s so true…., same

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Mrs Foreigner knows them all. Me I’m “I don’t mean to be rude but this isn’t a social hour and I’m just trying to make my dog shit so goodbye.”

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My wife and I go back and forth about the benefits of living in a city vs country. I’ve lived out in the boonies of SW Washington, where I had to drive 3 miles before hitting oilled gravel and then asphalt. You had to plan your trips, but you had privacy and quiet. You want to mow your lawn in the buff, no worries.
Stuff a old snag with a shit ton of fireworks your buddy brought up and light it fire when the shrooms kick in, no worries. Life in the city sucks. Small towns not so bad.


I tried to do that at Hilo 'Wallyworld & they wanted almost 50$ to prepare it for pick up at store :astonished: so I said fuggit. I’m not that rich. :derelict_house:

Man, I’m 1/2 mile off the pavement & a half hour from a proper town(Hilo) and the roads here are ROUGH. Not much gravel unless an owner does it themselves so it’s bababbabababbababbabumpabump. :volcano: Just bulldozed lava. My shocks were dead in a year. :sweat_smile:



$50! I’ll never eat again.

Hawaii has a certain amount of loveliness if you look at it as a romantic getaway but your experience suggests a whole pile of shit.

I think Americans like to go there because it’s part of America. As a Canadian it just doesn’t appeal to me. Not sure why, it just doesn’t.

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I’ve never had an issue with them. Took some figuring out what to order and making sure I rarely got substitutions. They text me when something needs to be substituted and I approve or I don’t. Sometimes I don’t.

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