Off Topic Complaints

Ah country corduroy roads…the last bit up to our property was a 1/4 mile 20%+ stretch that was all brrrarrrummmmpppppfuckinmmmpppgoddammmbrrrmmmp. County would only grade it once a year and it rutted out in the first rain of the wet season. Luckily I never had suspension problems, just excessive amounts of dust. Just a small price for living in old growth paradise. You could take the old logging roads all the way to Mount St. Helens passing through an occasional ancient lava flow. What’s it like near you?

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Unless it smells like weed


@Foreigner complains too much.

Not even a complaint, I’m hijacking whatever thread this is with facts!


You know its coming when he starts referring to himself in the third person.


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Re: the self checkouts and replacing humans with machines in general…here is another complaint. The promise of technology was to take some labor burden off humans so we can smoke weed and make art and shit. What it’s actually been used for by the ruling classes is to replace human labor but not the second part. So instead of “a machine does my job now yay I don’t have to work” it’s, “a machine replaced me fuck now I’m forced to accept a likely worse paying job so I don’t end up in the street.” It’s a fucking scam and a big reason why homesteading is an appealing lifestyle even though I’m sure it’s backbreaking work especially without supplemental income to get through lean times. I currently make a living working in the tech field but I hate tech as it gets used in modern society. The rich get richer etc etc

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Foreigner hasn’t started yet.



Two things, I thought this was a flarda love bug and

Deli sandwiches should come with a pickle. We notice when it doesn’t.


This behaviour is mandatory in public buses “pay your fare or dance provocatively!”

Many many pickles.

“I already did the dance in line when you were checking your gram, sorry, no redances”

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I don’t think this dancing guy is doing the whole sex thing right. Or maybe I’ve been doing it wrong all along. I’ll have to make some phone calls.

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This is in Ky


A noble spirit embigenes the smallest man


So cromulent!


There’s more, just Google “the rippin and the tearin” if your curious, so as to compare

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I’ve seen it. It’s at a swingers resort. How do you even go in the pool at such a place?


Well, there’s rippin. And tearin, if the rippin doesn’t do it for you. Super diverse.

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That guy couldn’t rip or tear his way out of a paper bag

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Gatorback full body prophylactic