Off Topic Complaints

Spray on truck bed liner lol great minds

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head first… duh


My complaint. Over courteous drivers. We meet at a busy crossroad. Just stick to the routine dickhead. It doesn’t matter I’ve been sitting here an hour, just turn or go straight. “Oh you’ve been waiting there a while, you go ahead.” No asshat, I’m expecting you to turn, I can’t turn because now there’s another vehicle coming. If you would’ve just made your turn I could’ve went but instead I waited to figure out what you were doing because you weren’t turning or going straight, you’re sitting there looking at me like I’m supposed to turn left while you’ve been sitting there with your blinker on to turn right. Oh great, now there’s a fkn schoolbus beside me and I can’t see shit but a bunch of kids and a guy drivin that looks like his side job is taking tickets at the gravitron. I’d feel pretty silly if I typed out the yield sign weekly experience after putting that all in to words so I’ll leave it there. I deal with this scenario at least once weekly. Bunch of bumpkin ass courteous pricks.


My complaint… Why don’t people take pride in their work?

Regardless of what it is. If you’re a sandwich maker, make the best damn sandwich anyone has had. Even if it is processed garbage. Or if you’re a janitor, make that shit as clean as possible to where someone recognizes it and sees the work you put in.

I’m in lawn care and service wealthy customers. Have a guy right now who is the laziest and most disrespectful person towards other people’s property. It’s been driving me nuts for the past few weeks. I’m the type of person that holds it in and let’s it slide until I’ve had enough. Finally let him know today what’s up.


I agree to an extent, especially if their employer takes good care of their employees. I also don’t expect much out of low paying sourced stuff.

I’m like you though, if I’m doing something for someone, I’m not going to give them half assed crap and I certainly don’t want the people working with me half assing. I’m fortunate now, but I’ve had some low paying menial bs that got my 100% bare minimum while others around me gave their 100%, well 98% at least, that I’m sure brought a bit of deserved spite against me. Always had that good weed though, so not too many complaints.

It’s very difficult to be motivated getting paid this side of minimum wage and servicing multimillion dollar homes.


I do


Where I live, if you get paid shit, then the only thing you can afford is a shitty apartment. This includes food.


I didn’t move to the city, the city moved to me and now it wants my broke ass out, desperately.

You missed a spot. I’m afraid we’re going to have to let you go.



The beatings will continue until morale improves.


There has been some pretty ugly expropriation around here.


It can be resisted but I fear it’s inevitable everywhere. Round these parts it’s ridiculous yearly property tax increases. Can’t afford to own more than a few acres if you aren’t making mid 6 figures. I feel bad for the youth, you’re lucky to find a raggedy used car for under 3 grand.


Here specifically they displaced an entire subdivision of low rent homes to make way for million dollar condos.

These people have no place to go. And rents have pretty much doubled so they’re doubly screwed.

They have to move FAR.


If I’m at the checkout counter at the grocery store, and the person in front of me holds up the line to go get something she forgot, is it considered stealing if I move her jar of mayo to my side of the divider?


Mayo is gross.

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Not with tomatoes on it.

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Locals started finding themselves with 40 acres of land they inherited or bought 30 years ago, struggle to pay taxes, mortgaging houses, getting foreclosed on.

Subdivisions are going up with 500k homes that are selling before they’re built on those large parcels. I hate to think about it but short of armageddon, property taxes will probably drive me away in under 10 years. Locals despise the idea of affordable housing, might let the undesirables in. They despise any industry that might offset some of this tax burden, god forbid provide local jobs to their own children. Eh, I’m talking too much about stuff I usually tone out. Apologies.

Well, you are welcome to wrong opinions.

We talkin little old lady? Either way, the answer is no.