Og.com- I’m baaack!

Thank you all! This community is really amazing and while it’s been 20 years since I was on Overgrow (the government :alien:) you all make me feel right back at home.

So many changes in the world in regards to cannabis … decriminalizing cannabis, and even legalizing it in many countries and within the USA. Proud to rep the 707 along with many other great folks . It’s a trip thinking about all that’s happened/ happening in society as well as within my own little world… I’m so happy to be back home!

In my personal garden /what I’m puffin on these days… here’s a list…

From clones we are running -(not all at the same time but staggered so we harvest once a month and rotate :dna: to prevent tolerance building to specific cuts. )

headband (loompas hb cut )
headband triplods clone only ;30%thc sat dom :fire::fuelpump:skunky funk!
jealousy og kush
Topanga canyon Pure kush
Ecsd clone only
Stink panties clone only and
forum cookies -**I meet need a new mom to to replace it the one we had that list vigor and it’s mold resistant

I’m desperately looking for a cut of anything heavy or pure indica like pre 98 bubba kush /so cal master, LA confidential, black affie (hindu kush/ afghani ibl with high potency strong couch lock effects and myrcene terps - kush breath hp13 , old time moonshine, rape krush/grape kush) purple kush, Urkle, Obama kush, etc,’

I’m am always down to trade cuts, seeds :alien::dna: and willing to test beans. … I enjoy helping improve the quality of life (and quality of ganj) of as many people as possible. Money is a bit tight but let me know (especially if you’re in Humboldt /and the state of California) I’ll get it out to u as soon as I can. I welcome bartering/ trades.

Sat dom strains like tw, diesel, blue berry sativa (blue satellite/ Flo/ f13 ) ,
bb headband are used first thing in the morning .
I puff some, meditate for about 30-45 min and after a few more puffs I do my yoga routine to stretch my back out and get the blood flowing through my body into my brain. Often combined with coffee. Noon-late afternoon I use 50/50 hybrids or strains that give me a boost of alertness and clarity. Night time and when I need something to cut through the pain I use indica dom or pure indica/ afghanica to calm my racing thoughts for stress and relaxation so I can fall asleep. We have about 12 chronic pain patients who are rx’d potent opioids for pain (72 hour dent patches , hydromorphone, dillaudid and oxy) my goal is to help cut down the dosage of such strong/ potentially lethal and extremely addictive medications including Xanax and benzodiazepines. I grow valerian and other medicinal herbs to give it to folks on benzos or any big pharma drugs with extreme side effects (especially addiction and over dose potential to help patients use less if at all possible! This is done in coordination with their physicians who encourage cbd therapy so I’m going to start growing a high cbd strain2:1, 1:1 -1:3 thc/cbd. For edibles and tinctures.

I keep my indoor rooms as close to sterile as possible. I make everyone entering out clean cloths on then a tyvex suit with blue sterile gloves and ventilator mask and bleach all surfaces and I use neem oil for pest control., sometimes sulfur but I’m extra careful and cautious because I’m not going to bring that back to our cooperative gardens because with people counting on us. I’ve thought i destroyed mites in the past but just a few eggs left will hatch and they reproduce rapidly. Same with PM. I just can’t take risk like that when people are depending on me for medical reasons. Sometimes times outdoor gets bud rot if not treated properly and those three make up my mortal enemies (plus snails/ slugs!!! )

From seed I have grown out and kept a few phenos of
Zawtz ( cannarado )
BB (dj short BB F5’s )
Pine-tar kush ibl (csihumboldt)
And a few others from csi Humboldt , HSC and distort/ second generation seeds , cannarado is always good and so is Cali collection.

got a bb sativa and a indica dom bb bith are super tasty but could be more potent imho so i often “make” live resin and some tines bubble hash to pass out. I’m looking for a stud to improve them or pollen from a pure indica ibl true breading strain.

I welcome all questions, and input from experienced growers and breeders.
I test seeds for Humboldt seed co and I sometimes get seeds that haven’t been released yet and I pay it forward