OG Cup Challenge Idea šŸ†

I agree with @Viva_Mexico, that some guidelines are necessary, specially since there are seeds at stakeā€¦ LOL

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on the ICmag one it actually said you had to cut roots that grew out of the cup

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We should revise the protocol by which we need to guide ourselves, letā€™s do it my gang. Please post if you agree to revising the rulesā€¦

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Yeah, fair enough to prune any roots that come out. Make sure you do it before you update so nobody calls foul. :wink:

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i just sprayed my week old seedlings with method 1 pps lol it blew them right over even with the lowest pressure, had to build up a mound around the base of the stem


I have been watering them from the side, not to do thatā€¦ But i need the rockwool to dry a little and it doesnā€™tā€¦ Hope not to get root rot!


That rockwool cube caused me a lot of seedling/sprout trouble I donā€™t think I will do that again


I would like to complain about something today, I donā€™t know what to complain about. I just feel the need.


That is what i am here for, i hear your complaint and will take it up the ladder to see what comes out of it, thanks for your feedbackā€¦ :wink:

Thatā€™s what I hate about rockwool. I watered mine yesterday with Soil Balance Pro (microbe innoculation).

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I dunno anything about rockwool but i think the seedlings are happy, not measuring anything in here! Pure faith itā€™s all i got on this cupsā€¦


you usually dont have to water rockwool that offen at this stage an dont worry usually rockwool will keep the perfect air to water ratio even when overwatered to a point just wait till they feel lighter an youll be ok


Watch out guys! I mixed up my first feed for the babies. They got fed 5 ml/gal each of CalPhos, Fermented Fish Fertilizer, and Fermented Cannabis Extract. The pH was adjusted down to 5.7 - 5.8 and ended at 85ppm.


I have been giving mine, 2~3mL Bio Marine 2-3-1 solution 30% strenght @ 6.0pH, just twice but it goes in the rockwool and they seem happy! I measured it by time, i took a cup with mililiters on it, and pumped the spray bottle nicely and then measured it by seconds, every second would be aprox 1 mL, so they got two seconds the night before lastā€¦

My truncheon doesnā€™t really give me an exact reading on ppm either TDS or the other one, but it was under 0.2EC.


Damn guys. Mines been getting water phd at idk and idk ppmsXD


Man get your hydro game face on! :laughing:


1 EC is either 500 or 700 ppm depending which conversion youā€™re using, iā€™m not sure which is more popularā€¦ I have fed at ~550ppm with every watering

edit : i think 700ppm seems to be more common


Ok more technical, would be to say it was at under 2CF, 0.2EC, 100ppm TDS and 140 ECx700.

Bio Marine 2-3-1 that was.

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Iā€™m just gonna pee on them itā€™s free and organic, sterile too!


Lol how many read that and think Iā€™ll do it? IDK