OGer, The Next Generation

Looks beautiful and with a lot resin, mine is two plants in two 7L pots, the seeds were sent to me by @Vertebrata but they’re from @Gpaw yeah, that’s correct.

I also did top them twice, and a bit of supercropping here and there.


Not a bit of training at all, don’t think I removed a single leaf. She had her mind made up to build one giant cola and I let her just grow @Gpaw. Easiest plant in the room.

Here’s today’s pic, about 50% cloudy trichs. Apologies up front for the light burn, I kinda did that on purpose in a PPFD mapping test that got out of control. LoL

Click this one and zoom in for fields of sugar!

@gpaw, How bout posting a pic of what you consider the most characteristic structure as a reference?



LOL, I started thinking about that… I think I ‘fiddled’ with almost every OGK I’ve grown… :smirk:
I’ve either manifolded them if I was working them or topped them if I was growing bud… I have noticed a variance on lateral branch development on each grow. Everything from lots of branches to a few that needed ‘serious encouragement’.

I’ll have to dig a bit to see if I’ve got some shots of them ‘unmolested’…



Were yours super frosty? If you zoom that close-up shot above, wowzer!

I’m thinkin of letting this one go into deep amber trichs, make some for real “Knock Out Drops!”


On the ‘bud run’ plants, I had a few at that level. Those are the ones I think of as ‘grinder killers’:+1: :laughing:
Two small buds of that will gum up a clean grinder… and I’m using a Kannastor GR8TR… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I found that if I lowered the RH in the jar from 63% to 60% RH it helped…

I ran one plant a couple weeks past harvest (just to check out the difference in smoke).
It turned golden after curing, very smooth but ‘not my ride’.



By the way, I forgot to mention that the timing for this grow only allowed three weeks for veg time which why the one pictured above is smaller than expected. Fun to speculate on how big that one cola could have been if it had been allowed to veg longer.


Just a ‘heads up’ warning.

There has been a case reported of an OGK plant herming about week 3 of flower. I haven’t identified the specific batch it came from yet but figured I’d put this out there so folks can keep an eye open.



I’m here to report a love affair with the OGer Kush!

I just chopped my first run with your seeds @Gpaw and I’m delighted with the result. I don’t specialize in the giant apical cola stains, although I drool over the pics of baseball bat flowers cause, wow!.

So, I wasn’t shooting for the big club I harvested today. It is magnificent, an 18" tall stalk average 4" inches of rock hard sparkling indica chems! And she was a pleasure to grow, a modest girl who sat happily in the back of the room quietly bulking up day after day without a single complaint. Pretty too, a purple so deep it’s almost indigo.

So, yeah, words fail me, and that’s unusual, so I’ll just lob some pics for you guys to enjoy.

OGer Kush, Courtesy of @Gpaw


Looking forward sampling this classic!

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Beautiful and gorgeously kushy well done @GrouchyOldMan and @Gpaw, 2-4 week veg it looks like a possible sog contender too :+1::sunglasses:


It takes training very well, I found the stretch to be universally low.
@GrouchyOldMan has an interesting one there but different growing conditions, different developments. That looks like there is some purple in there trying to come out.
I want to see what Grouchy gets after the cure!



The day of harvest

Right now, after 15 days of drying, feels really sticky and the high is so uplifting, actually got me laughing like crazy by myself.


Proof of Life!
:laughing: :+1:

Just moved to 12/12 a couple days ago. They have been trimmed up and ready for Flower…



A couple ‘new’ things I’m playing with, and watering system from LePot

and a USB remote camera (decent resolution with pan and tilt)

The watering system is good. it is a pump type (not gravity feed). I did have an initial problem with it where it spit out a drip head (like a champagne cork… :rofl:) and caused an over/under watering situation the first time I was away… On inspection, I realized it was mostly my fault (assembly error).
I’m currently using some drip heads from a previous system and they are working out well.

In the group shots :arrow_heading_down: you see the plants in the center tray are a little hungry, they are the ones that got the over watering and were very well flushed…

Two 3 minute cycles during the ‘lights on’ period gives me about 170ml per plant.



Excellent upgrades @gpaw!

I’ll be really interested in seeing how your new system works out! The plants look great, Crippy seems pleased.

I’ll stay tuned for this one Brother.



Lookin good in there!

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Gpaw really knocked it outta the park on this reproduction. Did everyone that wanted a pack end up getting some? I was thinking about running an open pollination seed expansion on this line to pass around as freebies to the community and wanted to gauge if there was any interest.


i don’t have any :slightly_frowning_face:

:raising_hand_man: here

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Thanks for the kind words!

I think so, it was a ‘mad scramble’ at the end to cover the missing US shipment but luckily we managed it (thank goodness for a bumper crop of beans)

There is this ‘one thought’ that keeps circling around in the back of my brain…
…I want to make another run of them…

…but with outcrosses (backcrosses?) to Craigson’s Black & Gold Triangle Kushs, Holyangel’s Triforce, Cartwright’s OGK x Lifesaver, Smokenhike’s OGer x Cali O… and that’s the ‘short list’:laughing:

Unfortunately those plans will have to wait until after we sell and move.



Ya the mail intercept was a real bummer. Glad you guys were able to fulfill your commitments. Funny enough I wasnt even signed up for the coop box and you still managed to send me a handful of two different phenos.

I’ve taken a pause from growing for almost a year now, just a about to get back into the swing. This seems like a great breeding project to pick up once I get everything set back up.

Project overgrow OG: an open source OG kush ibl? Expect some progress on this sometime this winter


Greetings All,

Yesterday I sampled a QWET Alcohol tincture from @Gpaw OGer Kush, and it delivered the classic Kush Couch effect! LoL

I was voluntarily immobilized with a satisfied smile for hours after a mighty dose of the OGer. Sweetness.

TBH, it took a “mighty” eight droppers (~10 ml) of OGer tincture to produce that result. That’s four times normal here.

So my report is this: “A Righteous high, takes a Righteous dose, but the chems are in there!

F1 cross OGer x Tahoe? :fire:

Saludos a todos,
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart: