OK to reverse plants from feminized seed?


Going for the big bottle :smiley: I finished the small spray bottle on one plant lol when I first started to spray plants didn’t have a clue,


I’m doing my first reversal with STS right now. I see a lot of you guys use CS. Why? Seems like more spraying and more expensive? I’m also brand new to this and asking seriously not trying to be a dick :yum:.

Less chemicals, STS requires the use of chemical powders, CS requires the use of silver rods in saline water under low voltage.

The less chemicals I have to use, the better. If you own a CS generator, you can make CS until the cows come home.

6 9v batteries, 2 silver 99.99% rods, and a way to wire them up.

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Okay thanks. I was thinking it had to do with success rates or seed viability. I am spraying the whole plant and trashing it when I’m happy with pollination.

My understanding is STS will produce more viable pollen vs the CS method.

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That would be perfect :wink:. Thanks for the info! So far so good.

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My Big Bottle of 240 ppm CS is on it’s way!

Say @anon98660487 is the alum foil bottle wrap essential? What’s the shelf life of CS anyways?

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Where did you get those from? I know Elite X Elite is supposed to be good but I’m looking at all options.

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I just received my elitexelite delivery about 5 mins ago…

One spray and done sounds too good to be true, as does 2 year shelf life on a shelf in a dim room. (Doesnt even take up space in your fridge!)

Fucking expensive for what you get though, this is the total amount of product needed for the 8oz bottle!


Let me know when show begins!

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Am going to start next week I think reversing a bubbacrack that just got topped at 5th node.

My Strawberry Shortcracks are all at day 40, I think I’m too late with these…




Light will degrade the product.