Old bagseed grow

Those dense buds and smell must be so rewarding.

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It’s kinda of a cedar hashish dank smell. Best way to describe it. No fruit, no gas at all. Reminds me of black domina from sensi seed co. Here’s my other hsshplant out of the tent. This one’s more stout

Here’s a sample nug I just cut, smells is fresh forest and black pepper. Can’t compete visually with today’s stuff but I like it which is all that matters.


Hashplant getting closer to being done. Plant has a nice contrast of greens. Sample I smoke 2 days ago was a nice plesant relaxing buzz. I think it’ll be done in 10 days.

Silver haze seedling…

White widow seedling…

Purple peyote x runtz seedling…

Lastly I just started a few pnw hp x Puck nl. I’ll show a Pic when their above ground. Cool potted plants…


Man, that grow is looking great.

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So the remaining bagseeds from the beggining of this thread will finally be popped in next several weeks. We have no idea on strain, i can only say they are really good with kushey and hazey phenos. Smells range from champagne to black pepper to grandmas potpourri. Indicas were peppery tall ones potpourri/ incensey. Me and another member are going to self pollinate the rest, and make a few cool hybrids to share here.Heres some individuals i found…
