Old school vs new school

OLD SCHOOL GENETICS HANDS DOWN !! Todays industry is a bit of a joke… hybrids made from hybrids that were made from hybrids whos parents were hybrids in a gene pool of hybrids dating decades ago… No wonder the buzz is gone and the ceiling lowered… have to cross fingers for taste? omg… lets all have a pod cast about how to “bring out” the terps… LMAO… OLD SCHOOL GENETICS - JUST grow your stuff like you normally would and harvest - hang in closet for week - 10 days then tupperware for week to 2 weeks burping once a day… then mason jars… believe it or not - the old school genetics has ALL the terps youre looking for without having to cross fingers and hold your mouth right… get off of todays crap and go back to yesterdays treasures and youll be a happy camper

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Todays “pine” taste reminds me of a foul mr clean product…NL these days has no taste… Old school Pine tastes like xmas tree pine or even some ceder… used to get NL1 that had that taste as well… AK Bean Brains has an old mexican death sativa that will power out your lungs with the big huge taste of pine like Im saying And you ll sit and wonder why todays terminology of pine is crappy in comparison… anyone who hasnt smoked the old genetics is missing out… theyre settling for crap otherwise


@moefugger - i tend to agree with you in general although there are some new school hybrid genetics that can hang. That said, what breeders/ old school strains are still around that you think are worth running? AKBB definitely has some fire!

Particularity interested in the “mint” “winterfresh” “menthol” terps but none of the new school lines seem to hit it right, similar to what you said about new pine strains.

well , im just learning about some of the sources for old school… bob hemphill is one for sure… and https://old-school-genetics.com/producto/old-school-skunk/ was referred by D at AKBB to find the old great dallas old school skunk… You can get it in pure form here - AKBB doesnt want to sell the strain in pure form… I have a beatrix choice hes crossed with old skunk Im still waiting to try… Im sure its tits

I’m with you on all of that stuff. I got into growing a year after you; 1971. I remember that book as a few of my friends had it. I had a High Times Magazine “Grow” edition that I used.

You’re right about the growing pains, too. It took a few years to figure out any strategies for finishing outdoors. The only seeds we could get were Mexi brick or Jamaican occasionally.

I learned all of my growing outside living in the southeast and having such a great growing season. I still love to grow them outside but the work is multiplied for sure. I got cocky this last season and let a bunch of volunteers grow for the hell of it along with my selections for summer. I ended up with 9.5 lbs(dry) at harvest and couldn’t control the cure as I would have preferred, especially after I broke my leg, but I harvested all of it on crutches.

The biggest thing I’ve discovered growing in southern Colorado is to plant seeds over the winter and let them germinate on their time. The seeds will start sprouting in March and survive freezes and rough conditions until late spring. They grow so much better and seem to be more resistant to problems, and they begin flowering in mid August. The plant in the ground also take times of no water much easier than potted plants.

So, this year, I plan on picking a few female seeds and plant them outside pretty soon. After three years of watching how those volunteers did sprouting early, I’m sold and will let mother nature handle the start this coming season. peace


I’ve got a pack of these old school skunk beans :slight_smile:

Will pop few OD this year.