OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

Don’t know why I do it, go to the extent to put out iron clad genetics.
Spend the fuckin money to put them in someone’s hands and they get lost in the bean pile. Lost smoke lost postage, go screw yourselves.

I know they’re Not the latest greatest fuckin thing out there but they’re what made this crap, which means what the oldies are better.
Actually go thru the painstaking of working this stuff instead of throwing crap together and putting it out there, crap shoot shit style.

I’m done handing out gear to people who don’t crackem.
Only ones getting my gear anymore are the ones cracking my gear and I’m keeping track.
The rest can :kiss: my ass.

Fuck the cookies, cream and cakes gag on the fuckin things for all I care.
Hope your tents are filled with herm pollen


Rough day good sir? Sorry to hear that ppl have done that to you.
I do agree with the sentiment that the older strains are better. I’ve tried quite a few of the newer offerings and imo they all seem to be the same, not as much character as the older strains.


All I can say is wished I had 20 moms milk going instead of 2 . Coffee and a smoke sometimes helps!


It’s even worse when they can see and read for themselves.
It’s an easy cure.


Had my coffee, 1 cup.
If I was to smoke what I grow in the morning I’d be done fir the day.


Also forgot medicine man as well trying to play catch up .

Must have a happy smoke in your stash ?


Wished ya did too.
That’s why i tell everybody crackem all.


If only I had the room for a pile of seedlings . Slowly working through the maze of strains that have shown up .


That sounds like me. I was jonesing for seeds a couple of years ago and then next thing I know I have collected a load of them.

I’ll drop some of yours today, @OleReynard. I’m waiting on some slow starters to get the move on… I have a BOG Sour Bubble that was flipped two weeks ago and it’s only just now showing a tiny bit of flower starting.

I might as well try all three I have from you, @OleReynard , Ak-47 Cherry, White Russian (AK47 x White Widow), and Mother’s Milk. I need to make the other bedroom a grow room again. I’m using a small closet atm, and one 600w HPS. But, I can only get a small number inside it and it’s got 5 in there just starting flower and 4 waiting to go in.

I’ve been taking them outside about half of the week once it warms up a little, Spring seems to be coming early here this year, but I won’t bet on it.

I’ve been wanting to try all of these. I’ve never had any of the three. Maybe a bad rep of a WW and AK in crosses. No Ma Milk. I’m so far behind everybody in the genetics dept. I never got to play before because I moved a lot and it was always hard getting re-connected to a dealer or anybody.

Thanks for the gifts, brother. I hope I do you proud on 'em.


There’s only one breeder that I run in my tent every single time, always solid pack after pack, and from everything I’ve seen of your gear I would make room in my tent for your work. I only run a 2x4 so I think that’s really the best compliment I can give someone.


You can send me another batch of those MaMilks cuz i plan on cruising through this first batch you sent me. :grin::grin::wink::wink: Shit i would pay for another batch of em. Thats how good they are. I dont think i have much you would be interested in on trade. Never know though.


Im revegging the 2 i just chopped. And i left the batch if mamilks out of the fridge stash last time i was in there knowing i was planning on dropping more.


That’s all I run also


Thank you I appreciate that.


So took some shots today, hopefully they show up on here.
Previously files were too big.
But here we go.

Seedlings of the cali indica and afghan #1 courtesy of @Tappy

Well fuck this shit won’t try no more.


Had some pics that won’t fit in here.
First one would’ve been
Cali indica
Afghani #1 @Tappy
And a few Grendel and @barefrogs 8813 which the bulk are in starting to flower.

Second pic would’ve been the Herijuana of woodhorse seeds which are about a month out yet, ya fuck that 45 day shit noise.

Third one is of a true 88 hashplant that I found out of N8ts gear.
Not an 8813 but a true 88hp and she is fuckin absolutely :heart_eyes:

Fix the site, dudes.


Yeppers …


Sorry to hear you’re going through all that pain @OleReynard. Back pain is absolutely brutal, that and dental. My grandmother who was very anti-cannabis for her whole life has recently sparked a curiosity in it as she is suffering from arthritis in her back and knees, as well as glaucoma. It was pretty cool watching her make the transition from telling me pot will ruin my life to how much she can see it improves it. Watching her reaction to placing a fan leaf the size of a dinner plate and some seeds in her hands was priceless. Can’t be thankful enough for this plant.


Have had that same deal with my folks and the cream I make but they’re on it.


Going to drop all the MMxNT I have. Figure if I fuck up cloning, I can always try to re-veg. Would 8 weeks veg be ok for these?