OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

It was a multi strain issue that round the gogi’s especially got hit hard with rot 1000% an air flow issue the next rounds pm mess only confirmed the air problem lol live and learn


Im really excited to put a Mother Milk clone outside to see how she does


I had three outside last year and two of them filled a 4x6 raised bed. I scrogged them to keep below the fence line. They unfortunately were decimated by bugs. Good to see you back posting again!


Just an update.
Pulled 1 8813 the oddball, she be ready
Pulled the cali yo and yo momma, ^^^^^^ also.
Too bad only one each of these but they look to be and smells to be tits.
Greasy orange

The Grendel and Bares 8813 just starting to show sex. 3 girls so far and a couple confirmed bachelors.
Put them in a week and a half ago.
Not looking good on Bares mostly males, which will be chucked.

The cali indica and Jotis afghan #1, no choice they have to get flipped next weekend.

The Heris coming along fine just like a porcupine ball the nugs are.


Side note where’s this last Joti group buy standing?
Taint heard shit wtf is up?


It’s been awhile since my last visit to the bar, just got caught up.

The Joti group buy is moving along. Meaning he received our big ass payment and said in an email that he’d start counting beans today.

Also, I absolutely enjoy your work, I make sure that there is at least 1 of yours in every flowering. Just planted a MM from you. As I was going thru my pack, I found a seed the size of an orange seed in my Mas Milk! Couldn’t get the pic the right size to load.


Them big beans like that, they were a bit on the big side.
I often wonder what and why on those.
I have noticed it happens more to hybrid inbred.
So knowing that it would be like me and my sister (that I don’t have) lol.
You’re bound to get some genetic cells compounded and im sure you know the rest.
Anxious to hear what comes of it.

Thank you for growing these.


I put 4 Mother’s Milk down and got 4 up today. I soaked them for 1 hour in H2O2 for an hour and 24 hours in a mix of trace elements and humic acid and then they went into a mix of coco and ProMix, and into the self wicking seed tray and dome.

They popped up in a little under two days. That’s good for me for putting them into soil to wait for sprouts. Sometimes it’s 5-7 days.

I’m looking forward to them. Two of 4 of my Maui Wowie Cherry Bomb females threw major balls a few days after flip. So, timing is right to sprout more. peace


Always to see my hardwork being cared for by a caring brother.

Thank You for giving them a shot


Hola OleReynard

if you need more 8813 let me know
plenty where they come from.



Did you get any of these mamilks or the ak’s?

I’m hoping yours comes out better than N8t’s too many fgens been made of these or breeder error, could very well be its all him and Tre had to work with.
I messed up a few years back had some from N8t and the trich heads were as big as plastic round balled straight pins.
Boy did I fuck up, still kicking myself for it.
Diffently a hash making motha.
Hoping that the old 8813 turns up out of the Grendel.

Yours be just starting to sex.
I only cracked half anxious to see how they roll, for sure.


Friends pop them mamilk packs in intirety have not seen a bad one, im sure you’ll be rewarded with the outcome.


I can’t fin wait to get into them yo momma and cali yo pants.
Been a while, long while.
Hoping these cali indys are better yet.

Actually everything coming out of this camp ought to be simply :fire:.

Lots of sluffers out there dragging feet.

Be looking towards a (cali yo x yo momma) x cali indy run come next year.
And vice versa, the orangest of the orange runs. All AE77 genetics from Bodhi except for cali indy courtesy of Sensi.

Sometime I’m gonna do a Wheezy orange og x with the above also. Just to carry on his name. Rest ez Wheezer.

Get out your orange squeezers here it comes.


Snowed here yesterday/last night.
Heavy ass wet snow 4".

+60 one day 30 the next.
We actually had a 70° temp swing in one day last week.

Lakes got hit with a 60° day with winds, then it rained and wet snow.
She ought to be opening here shortly.

Was hoping to go out and pick up landmines from my 2 dogs but its all covered up and looking groovy again.


Lol, where I walk the dog, the trail come spring time is very hard to negotiate without stepping in dog crap, it gets frozen and buried in the snow, in multiple layers, and after the thaw its everywhere :poop: :poop: :poop:


Are they Mother’s Milk F2s that you made? I am very intrigued by those and the AK. Positive vibes…



Hola OleReynard

I don’t remember if I got anything from you
I know I don’t have mamilk or ak
but no biggies I have more then I can deal with.

don’t be shy if you need more of the 88
I would hate to see it waste cause
I made too much.

Have a great day



Yep you no got?

1 Like

Bare not an issue I can get ya some out.
Needy addy in pm


Hola OleReynard

I just remember
I think you sent me some
