OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

Sorry to hear about your back…I just found out this week I have degenerative disk disease…
Means the disks are swelling up in my back and neck and pinching the nerves in my spinal cord.
Got lighting shooting down my arms and legs…
I’m a dry Waller, the doc told me to quit my job.
I got 3 years left to fight through the pain at work and I’ll have enough to build my house. Anyways, enough of me whining :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So is there any reason you toss the 1st males? Is it just because the ladies aren’t ready?
I figured the 1st to show would be a good trait for fast flowering, no?


Ya I have stenosis also.
L1 thru L5 all herniated
And osteo throughout my body from my toes to the top of my head, nothing but white.

Ya sheetrock and overhead work will do that to ya.

I just had gotten my house built that I did myself just in the neck of time


I whack the first one cuz it was the first to show 2 days afterward which too auto or some rude in there, especially way before the rest.
Any that auto flower I don’t care for.


The enchanted garden! RESPECT!



I too have had this condition for years. It doesn’t get any better I assure you. Have they mentioned surgery to you? Stay high. It helps. :grin::laughing:



Question, can a person keep selfing a plant?
Meaning keep selfing the prodigy of the original?
Who else has dealt with s1’s for awhile?


They did yes and told me to quit work…
I quickly pushed that aside by saying I got 3 more years of work to fight through and then I’ll think about surgery…
The pain killers the walking clinic gave me, before I went to get the x Ray’s and see the doctor, didn’t do a damn thing…the xray doc gave me these pills he said I gotta take till I have the surgery they go up 100mg every day until I reach the 300mg 3x a day…
I’ve just been stuffing my face with gummies and that barely works, let’s me be able to sleep for a couple hours, which helps me not notice the pain till I wake up…


Back a few years ago they just loaded you up with opioids. I don’t know what they do now. I too am putting off surgery till it’s unbearable. It’s been better since I quit working. But the other shoe will drop. Just a matter of time. Go slow brother.




I’ve had some back breaking jobs in the past from being a Lineman to owning my own remodeling biz.
Leftng big rolls of carpet, hanging rock and finishing it.

Used to work for a pallet factory back when I was 19, overhead would break down from time to time, guess who the overhead became.
15’ cants various shapes 4 x 12, 8 x 8’s yadda yadda.
Some virtually a half a tree.
Man this only begins the story, I’m surprised I can still walk.

Trapping coons carrying 100 to 150#'s on my back of steel, wet furs traveling over root systems with mud on the bottom of my boots, surprised I only broke my leg once and that was bowhunting.
Everytime I think about it I give a little chuckle, how many times I’ve fucked the Devil.


I personally try not to grow fem beans and I never make them. I’m sure there are several people who would do this but I can’t see the benefit.



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I got s1 silver pearl beans out of a kept plant, dont want to breed them with just anything when time comes.
Anybody got any old Sensi Seedbank Silver Pearl beans?



They never even told me what they are, and I never looked them up :laughing::laughing:


I got the same, from what I understand thems the goto and I get nothing off them.


Me either man…I take these an extra strength advil for muscle and joint pain and probably 500-1000mg of gummies and it’s STILL bad…
Unrelenting pain…:pensive::pensive:


If you’re talking about repeat selfing (S1, S2, S3, S4 ect…), Yes but with each generation the Mutations/Bad recessive genes will show up heavily.


Checked my sheet no silver pearl , I used to have a small sack at one time!


I found out I have the same thing in my upper back. It’s mostly just non stop pain so far but no real nerve problem yet. I was told it would all go to hell when I got older. Mine was from a helicopter crash in '81 while I was land surveying in Wyoming for oil exploration. It killed one guy and we all fractured our backs. The pilot never even told us there were shoulder harness seatbelts and we only had waist belts on. It felt like it was going to cut me in half when we hit.

I also have two bad shoulders from construction work. One has been operated on and my right on is called a wasted shoulder now. They want to do a full reverse replacement and I said no. The discs have me concerned though. They started hurting over a year ago and my left shoulder and neck stay in pain non stop… I tried therapy but not much they can do.

I’ve already had 10-11 surgeries from injuries and I really don’t want another one. I’m gonna try and get back into the stretching and exercise program. It’s harder to do as I get older. Thank God for weed! It doesn’t really kill pain for me as much as it takes my mind totally away from thinking about it. peace


When I lived in the bay, some people would only give away s1 seeds, never clones or reg seeds.
The black market was very competitive so people would sometimes share, but they didn’t want anybody else to be able to control the line.

Inevitably, this resulted in a lot of people selfing those s1’s. In my experience and opinion, these lines that were s1’d over and over again were often unstable, and produce a ton of mutants compared to reg seeds.