Oleskool’s pics of young HOT sexy girls!

I was listening to a podcast and the guy from Mass Medical was talking about lighting spectrums etc. He said people are using MH from start to finish these days and abandoning their HPS for flower. According to him what you lose in yield, you make up for in terps etc. Your thoughts OG?
@ReikoX @cannabissequoia @Muleskinner ? Anyone?




The Scott’s OG was like straight lemon heads… Gonna be a good grow for sure


I am a true believer in the CMH. I run a pair of 630s in flower with some T5’s. If you have the right genetics, you can get yields from a 630 approaching a single ended 1000. The terps and oil/resin production are greatly increased over both LED or HPS from my experience. I would have to say my favorite part is that they run cooler, only requires passive cooling. If you are pressing for rosin, this is the sheeeeeiiiittt.

And as for your request on the lineage, these are special.

Princess is the mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother, etc etc of C-99, and Vortex is A13 x Space Queen. These are being run solely for a seed increase for a larger selection pool. Here is the Vortex lineage from seedfinder.

This is all princess with a splash of Romulan. I’m stoked



Yea the space queen herself is phenomenal!

Quite the strain, there


Yah it is… Excellant!! :yum:


Hmmmm… Very interesting. I used mh one time in veg, and my plants didnt seem to like it as well as the hps… I think I’ll need to buy an mh and start a thread and compare. But, like you said, You may lose a little yield, but make up in terpenes. :relaxed:


Yahooo! That sounds amazing! Love the oleskool Romulan. I’ll be checking on this one! Peace…



Yeah the CMH is on my “gotta get one” list. They are a little pricey and I’m going through a “tight time” financially right now. Have to wait. I think that’s the best of HID these days. I’m all about my HPS but I’m looking for more than yield currently. Need more flava! More stank! All love bro…



Lookin good @oleskool830 how about this heat lately? Supposed to cool off next week up here in Ok.

Anyone here remember the threads with MzJill tending her girls on the OG OG? Boy I do!


Hey @riahgorl_1! The heat has let up some here. It’s still 97-100 during the afternoon. I chopped my last 2 fucked up plants and my hps flower tent is now empty. It’s a sad tale of woe. My other flower tent is led so it has hardy missed a beat. It’s sometimes 90 when I open the tent but it runs cool at night. The HPS and 107 degrees outside proves near impossible. I will have some a/c in there someday. Insulating now and will finish by fall. Well, here I am rambling on like a senile rest home patient when someone asks them about their illnesses! I hope you’re well brother and appropriately lifted. We are planning a trip in October that will take us through your neck of the woods. Be warned, we might look you up. See what you’ve got goin’ on. One love…



Hey oleskool just dropped in to say hello looks like things are rolling right along for you imnstill dealing with a little heat myself , I flipped my plant on the 12 the. show is about to begin lol by running my light at night I’ve managed to keep the heat at bay my climate here is on the dry side leaving me the option of a water cooler to run in peak heat times getting ready to fire up a second tent next month


a friend of mine uses a mix of MH and HPS and he always has great results. :v:


That second tent will be a game changer for you. I’m near accomplishing the perpetual harvest process. Timing is tricky if you only grow a few plants. There are 1000 little grow issues that screw up the timing as well. Like the Heat causing plants to stop growing!
I do everything from seed. I’m partial to tap roots I guess. But the occasional seed failure really makes the small scale perpetual a real challenge. One love brother…



One of each in the same tent? Maybe I’m stoned, Hell, I’m definitely stoned. I’m not sure I understand.



He has a large flower room with 10 lights. I believe 4 are MH and 6 are HPS. He also has a rack with LEDs going in the same room.


Ya, true dat. Ive seen growers do that combo with impressive results. Ive been checking out cmh lighting the past 5 minutes. Looks like the grow light of the future. Burns cooler, puts out a full spectrum, and uses less electricity. Major benefits right there. Im glad Oleskool brought it up. Amazon has a complete kit for under 500 bones. :slight_smile:



Free ratchet light hangers!!! Hell, I can’t pass it up!
Yeah @CLOSETGROWTH, I believe that’s the way to go. I just have to wait till I have 500 to spare. Lol
All love man…



Hell Ya! It is a good deal, and this kit is full spectrum… The cheaper units do not have the blue and red combined. You would need two bulb, one that emits blue for veg, and one that emits red when in bloom. This is the best cmh according to 2019 reviews… Yah, I like it! I like it!! I tell ya!


Thank you for the lineages! Duke Diamond gave me some seeds labeled killer queen x P75 and I never did know where the P75 came from. :v:


Hi @oleskool830! Loving the pictures. I’ve always wanted to try the Zamdelica. Can’t wait to see how she turns out. Positive vibes, and no Ragrets! :slight_smile:

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