On the ideals of communism

Yea I hear ya, it’s a bit of a canundrum. It’s interesting to watch their engagement drop off. I wonder if it’s because they got told to fuck off enough times or they got what they were looking for.


The difference between communism and socialism is that communism is where there is a central hub of control of production and distribution.

Socialism is collectivization of production but not distribution.

I see Todd as neither communist nor socialist but a free market capitalist who is taking an old strain and selling it. What is more concerning are those old posts where he talks about different lineages but who cares about that when we can argue about prices.

Has anyone done communism correctly yet?

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LOL that’s awesome stuff right there… funny how people on this site expose themselves for what they are eh? but ya know … if they end every post with “Many Blessings and Much Love” … does that hide thier true intentions LOL

I;ve come across this character before , shitting on breeder’s pricing and taking shots because , heaven forbid a guy might want to try and make a living selling seeds instead of flippin cheeseburgers and fries.

Some members on this site act in disdain of breeders who are just trying to make a good life for themselves doing what they love. I’ve seen so many people so eager to get thier mitts on a breeder;s hard work, only to reproduce them with the sole intention of making it so other members don;t have to buy from the breeders.
The co-ops are fine as the rules should prevent that happening with currently availlable lines… but that is not good enough for a certain aspect of the “gimme free seeds crowd”.
I used to give away a lot of seeds after I joined here but I ceased doing that for a while to sit back and see how many OG members are even growing those seeds.
It’s funny… most of the grows of my work are from folks who paid for thier packs or got them free with orders… where are the grows from everyone else? Like those Old grandpa scratch Fgens… haven’t seen a single grow out of all the packs that went out for free. Why give away seeds no one is going to grow?
Why give away seeds to the “gimme gimme with many blessings and much love” crowd when you could potentially get shit on by the same crowd for just trying to make your way in this world.


Dont give away to stangers or people with no grow references like pics and journals. Also i believe we should request they ask in the forums just to have a reference so you can easily search for seed collectors.
That is in our control not theres.


Going to close this thread in about 30 minutes to keep the system bot happy. Ok?


Since when do we bow to the will of the robot?


Stop putting words in my mouth, you’re factually incorrect.

I would have paid 5x what I paid for the seeds and can financially afford it even if it’s a struggle to morally afford it. I procured the genetics to be a true steward or the seeds for future generations.
Not to sell them but to share them freely at my own expense. Unfortunately AG is a gatekeeper of those sacred genetics, a scene played out time and time again in recent cannabis history.

It’s not about the price or wanting something for free. I voiced my displeasure for the price variability because to me it seems like a pricing strategy based on what a market will bear.

In my original comment I was purposeful and intentional about being respectful and I was truthful about the admiration praise and respect I have for the genetics AG helped bring to market. It’s the manner and tone in which @ToddMcC responded to my criticism, as shown he did also to @Bajode5 and the other member who likened his style to White Labeling. He was rude and mean spirited to them, and I felt a little bit towards me as well when in his response to my real feelings of disappointment to the pricing strategy he said I should actually be thanking him. I thought it was disingenuous when he made it out to seem like he was taking on immense debt to be some heroic figure bringing seeds to the community like Johnny Appleseed and specifically that he was lowering seed prices for the customers benefit. Sure the price per seed is technically lower but the price of admission is still exactly at retail levels. Exactly at that retail seed customer purchasing power sweet spot of $50-$150.

Value is increased but savings aren’t necessarily increased. It just leaves more money to buy more seeds with. The same customer who could only afford a pack of each for $300 can now get 3x that. Or they can order additional different hybrid on the menu. Price per seed for breeders doesn’t mean anything to them as seeds are plentiful, it’s the total sale price as it relates to a customers purchasing power that’s important to a seed shop or retailer. At least that’s my experience.

Back in the day I used to order a lot of seeds, almost embarrassingly so. One time CSI sent me a freebie full pack of the variety next up on my “seeds I want to buy list.” You may think that saved me money but it didn’t. I just happily added a other variety from CSI’s menu to the list that I was on the fence about. It made it easier to do so.

So yes the distasteful comment about saying I should be thanking him. For what? Going into business with profit in mind and charging
what the market will bear?

And that’s all totally fine, go into business I truly wish success. But to make it seem like the price per seed is lowering intentionally for the customer when it’s really to better generate revenue in the ever changing retail seed market really rubbed me the wrong way.

The sales at AG don’t follow a particular schedule like most other brands, to me that would further indicate the sales are more directly related to fluctuations in product movement than they do the customers best interest. So why make it seem like it’s something it’s not?

Calling people that disagree with you and snitch, not believing someone about an order they had and generalizing all international customers as undeserving, the dude is an ego maniac. I called it how I see it in my more elaborative reply.

He still has the option to utilize the Co-Op whenever he wants as he is a member here of Overgrow.

I have never shipped a domestic package without tracking, so I know you’re lying.

There was some misunderstanding on both ends, one with Todd not realizing this was an international order not a domestic order and also with the OP not realizing it was stated already that no tracking will be available. Even still, is this anyway to respond to genuine criticism from a site sponsor?

Everybody who has actually gotten seeds from me, knows you’re full of it.

entitled International customers like yourself are the exact reason why I stopped shipping internationally for the last few months. You don’t appreciate what’s being done for you and it shows.

This is what was said to the member that referred his White Labeling practices:

You are probably Raymond Cogo, the guy who turned in Nevil or Matt Riot off ya meds and hiding behind a screen name.

This is very ugly to say about someone. A huge offensive comment! How embarrassing.

Since before I started selling seeds, I always wanted to work to get the prices down, and I’ve been doing it every chance I get. I started at $10 and $20 (granted, the $20 seeds were literally 23 years old at the time and from Mel Frank) and then I went down to $5.00 and $3.33 and now $2.00 when I can, which depends on the quantity I have on hand.

When seeds were $10, packs were $100 and sometimes buy one get one free. That’s right in the $50-$150 purchasing power sweet spot in referenced earlier in my comment.

When seeds were/are $3.33 and $2 the packs have been 5 for $125 or buy one get one at $50. Still again right exactly within that $50-$150 purchasing power sweet spot of the retail seed industry.

It’s such a coincidence huh?

I’m really don’t care it’s a profitable business. I think that’s great. I don’t like bullies or being spoken to in ways I feel are disingenuous. Still waiting on someone to prove me wrong about who really introduced the recent $2 seed pricing in bulk orders. I’m pretty sure that was @TomHill and AG followed suit and ran with it. Many blessings and much love

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First off. I’m not reading that wall of text, respectfully. Second I’m, applying your dumb logic to you instead of you applying it to others. Weird how you have an issue with it now.


Probably shouldn’t have provoked him. Even asked the dude to not do that.


So two wrongs make a right if you’re a site sponsor? Understood.

He’s reproducing other work with the same descriptions of the previous work. Call it what you will. Many blessings and much love

Let them eat seeds.


No it does not. But, you throw out a fist. Who’s at fault?

Has nothing to do with a site sponsor. You like digging holes.

This was your entire rationale, huh?


Was the fist given freely or was he charged for it?

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You’re really all over the place which usually goes with the territory of trying to be disruptive. I don’t expect you to read all that. Only the first sentence was for you. I don’t find you being genuine at all so don’t value you reading what I write. I wrote that because @Northern_Wiki said the thread might close due to system functions. Many blessings and much love

Where are my seeds I want them now.

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Maybe we can have an approval process with OG and make a poll to see if rate hikes are ok on seeds like how the electric company does for their shareholders.

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Yes please.

I get this fairly often and normally just warn them that it’s an offence that could get them banned and they need to converse with folks in public. They normally seem, or at least act like, they are grateful for the warning. It’s a good teachable moment for many. :v:


If you see my comments I reply in kind. I definitely don’t throw first. I do however stick up for others when I feel they are being treated badly. Many blessings and much love


The whole price point argument is moot. Anyone gets exited about vintage genetics new on the market and will pay accordingly. This helps the seller cover startup and testing costs. Otherwise it would be a book of complaints of inconsistent products here instead of price point.