On the ideals of communism

Where is this notice? Is it at the top of this thread? or buried in one of the threads that got merged into this one? (how many was it? which ones?)

Perhaps topics created by the mods via merging should have the OP written by said mods, so the rest of us have a clue what’s going on :joy:

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Good morning, some calming images for you all. Please do not let these discussions make your day negative. Even discussions on things like communism should be possible to have respectively and productivy. If we stick to facts and leave emotions at the door, we can perhaps start to understand others perspectives and gain a better understanding of each other. :v:


They were in the original thread which was the source of this OP.

Also, I agree with posters complaining about post order getting rearranged and making a mess out of the convo when things get merged, it’s happened to me before in different threads, sometimes leading to out of order double posts.l that make 0 sense to anyone who showed up after the merge.

The mods want to consolidate discussions into single threads which is fine and makes sense, I just wish they would give a care about keeping the discussion intelligible - to let the convo get mucked up and to just shrug about it almost suggests that the convo isn’t worth caring about (in which case why muck it up to begine with?) or they don’t like your convo and are happy it’s mucked up. Just comes across as lazy moderation imo

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Thank you for the tip.


is there a link to that thread for those of us who have no idea this was a merged thread to begin with?

edit: most forums seem to display rather explicitly when a thread was moved from one category to another, for example

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Capitalism and Communism are nothing more than ideologies. Neither exists in practice in a pure form. Neither is viable as a social solution if you adhere strictly to them. The need to put everything in its own box just makes it simpler for lazy people to pull out a canned response.


Yes, links are embedded from the merged source (near the bottom of the post) and are also in the above posts and the OP.

Those would be:


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Ah, I thought that was the user’s own signature or somesuch, thanks

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If all we do is use these isms to track the flow of moneys, we missed the point anyway. I hate to see this.





Yeah man same here except mine got flagged for some reason but whatever I’m over it this is getting boring

The way some folks choose to use their energy is funny to me. Oh no, dont try to stop the Trainwreck, the negativity feeds us.

Moderators asked to take this stuff out of a sponsored thread and to make a separate thread for the conversation. They were ignored. Eventually they did it for you. Hard to complain about the order of posts moved that should not have been created where they were to begin with.

This post is on topic so feel free to stick your flag somewhere else.



Post number 6 on this thread

The other day the same thing happened to me when I was casually commenting on thumbs down button thoughts in an already created public thread pertaining to new forum features. I didn’t realize until a after the fact that a topic had been created by the @moderators with one of my comments, and that topic was automatically set to watching because I was the “thread starter”, unbeknownst to me, so I was inundated with notifications. It didn’t occur to me until later that those notifications were spurring my interaction with that thread because it was automatically set to watching without my knowledge. When I changed the thread that I didn’t create from watching to mute it was was easy to not feel obligated to reply to each and every topic. I agree very messy moderation going on here lately.

I have a feeling @GreenHighland felt a similar feeling when this topic was created in a similar fashion and he kept getting notifications and possibly feeling obliged to reply to those notifications. As when a topic is set to watching the member receives each and every notification about happenings in a particular thread.

A member in this topic mentioned @LemonadeJoe is from a region that has been affected by Communism so I can understand why that’s the reaction he had. To a hammer everything is a nail. We see what we perceive of the world and our perceptions and past experiences influence this greatly.

It’s unfortunate for the community as I know my heart’s intent. I was not harassing other members or espousing Communist ideologies. I am a paying customer sharing my feelings and opinions about my experiences with my purchases and why the price fluctuations with the AG products was unsettling for me.

Todd took it upon himself to create more story talking about being Johnny Appleseed and if he didn’t try to come across as a charlatan while at the same time charging customers market rate for years I wouldn’t have commented on that hypocrisy. He still charges market rate. The price per seed is misleading as the price to checkout has not changed much. It’s a revenue generating tactic, seeds for seed makers are plentiful, and to hear it’s for the community is pretty offensive.

I’m not at all amused to see @ToddMcC’s reaction when another member said the Authentics Brand was merely a White Label type of business. He took offense to a true statement about his company being a White Label enterprise and proceeded to slander that member by saying if you think that way you must be a verified snitch. That is a very strong accusation of which I’m surprised the @moderators tolerate from any member, especially members who only infrequently at best visit the community here at Overgrow. Having a sponsor title shouldn’t give free reign to slander like so. If anything site sponsors should be held to the highest of standards in my opinion.

That accusation was mean spirited and without merit. That’s not something to accuse someone of lightly and it’s definitely not in the spirit of OG. Let’s be real, AG is basically White Labeling. Sam’s Cultivators Choice Original Haze reproduced and rebranded to be sold under the AG banner is a form of White Labeling.

I got chastised for asking Todd about considering donating to the Co-Op the varieties he supposedly wants to Johnny Appleseed. Isn’t that what the Co-Op is about? Johnny Appleseeding the world? Overgrowing the world? Seems like a perfect opportunity for such noble heroics, yet it was dismissed as being rude to ask? How unfortunate.

I think it’s worth mentioning that the community would likely not have some of these genetics for example the Purest Indica if it weren’t for Steve Murphy giving them freely to others. To me that is embodying a real Johnny Appleseed.

I found it pretty tasteless to come off and appear to the community as some benevolent figure spreading “the primary colors” of cannabis to the community for as little as possible when in reality he’s closer to being a gatekeeper of them than a Johnny Appleseed.

Customers options for ordering seeds from AG have never been lower than $50 to my knowledge. $2 per seed doesn’t mean much when one has to buy 5 packs worth to get that price. It’s all so disingenuous to me so I said what I said. Seeds are plentiful and it’s a marketing technique to generate revenue being portrayed as “good deeds for the community.” If he wants to run a business that’s great and I support that, just cool it with the exaggerating of woven tales of Johnny Appleseed type deeds because they seem to be quite misleading and intentionally so. And definitely don’t go around calling people verified snitches when they casually point out that you’re in fact just white labeling already proven and sought after genetics. That’s just a bad look all around.

Many blessings and much love


Community: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

I’d say say this, more or less, falls under that definition.


I posted so I’m sure @Northern_Loki will say something. I’m definitely not being harassed or anything…

Many blessings and much love

Howdy @DougDawson, to my knowledge the Authentic Genetics thread the comments were merged from is from a topic started in the breeders lab, not a sponsored subcategory.

Also, it wasn’t me who flagged that comment of yours. Many blessings and much love

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To be thorough, here is the original post:

Here is the response to bickering that resulted:

Sometime later, here is the response from AG:

You went on to argue about white labelling. And then added some JohnnyAppleseed comments. It was asked that this discussion continue elsewhere. It didn’t and continued to point your finger at AG, so it’s been moved here.

Sorry about the difficulties with chronology, such is life. The ideas and relevant postings are though. Please feel free to continue your discussion here.


Todd’s genetics have been called into question do to things that are in far off corners of the internet. That has nothing to do with if he gets stuff to his customers or not.