On the ideals of communism

Hope everyone is having a blessed morning :sunrise_over_mountains::sunrise_over_mountains:

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I will send your 3 packs immediately, sir


Please sell them, I’d like to turn you into a capitalist pig.


Could someone explain what white labeling seeds is? I know what i think it means but maybe I’m wrong.


It is when someone uses their reputation/name and then has someone else grow their stuff and puts their reputation/name on it to sell. This is what most of those euro breeders do.


You buy a bunch of seeds from Spain, put them in a pack and label them anything you’d like.


It is what happens all the time in “unfettered capitalism.” IP gets stolen and then the ones with the capital yield the power. The original person with the idea gets shit all over and lost to history only to be rediscovered hundreds of years later.

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There you went with the Human word ffs.
I’ve only seen every nihilistic ftard use that word in disdain for your neighbors.

This isn’t politics but really about philosophy and crime.
Whats going on today with these children of lies is not about liberalism, conservatism or libertarianism but corrupt machiavellian shit that’s completely Alien to us.

You’re dissolution is from corrupt fascist capitalism and fascist communism we have today, two sides same coin. Machiavellians will use marxist ideas to take advantage of bleeding heart libs by pointing out true corruption in the money printing pyramid scheme the west has now.

The answer is organic capitalism not passing regulations or printing money to benefit the few useless machiavellians that are neither lib or con or anything but just crooks. And they will be exposed.

Your seeds are worth what people are willing to pay for it.
You labor is worth what people will pay for it.
Your emergencies and cost to the public is determined outside the construction state wide…bla blabla The people (not “you humans”) organically decide how much to help…thays called real "socialism " but its Organic.
Nothing wants to be organically done today…
Bitcoin is organic capitalism for example cant be destroyed or printed or regulated its worth what people are willing to do with it Not some commie printing it for votes and not some fed pig printing it and giving it to a few banks whom are allowed to print their own money via fractional lending.

Like the Electric cars in the 70s.


@Sbeanonnamellow , @Cummings420 and @_DB_0 . Send pm to recieve Free prize! In before the close.


This is how i want to see it end :grin:

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Bud, you better be selling them.

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Please Hammer don’t hurt em

We ain’t even talking bout chocolate Chocolate- in my best Allen Iverson voice

Send it for AG NL#2 @Hambone


It’s purchasing seeds from some third party producers and placing their brand onto it. White label referring to no brand associated until the vendor brands it.

It’s generally considered derogatory as there are vendors who have repackaged seeds as something that they are not.

I’d suggest, to have contract with a vendor to reproduces their genetics is not the same thing as they control the cultivars and source the genetics, that’s a contract vendor producing seeds and is under direct control of the originator and for the originator. A contract.


I got seeds from Herbies that came with white labels. Never again. Terrible business practice.
Bad 4 all


That is an important disctinction because here in Cali there are many companies like Cookies that have different grow ops all around. Then there are other companies that just have a sort of agreement and less involvement.

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There are many forms of White Labeling. Not always do the original products need to be produced by the original manufacturer and then rebranded and sold under a new brand.

White Labeling can also be done with the materials and techniques of a manufacturer being reproduced by the rebranded label at a separate manufacturing site.

The fact that the seeds are sold as being of old antiquated genetics from these established populations, Sam’s Cultivators Choice Original Haze work for example, basically spells it out. Many blessings and much love

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Wikipedia for those interested:

Also, contract manufacturing of a product does not mean the same as white labeling.