On the ideals of communism

I will say in devils defense of white label, sometimes you can flesh out your focused strong points with products that other people can do better. Theres no shame in that game, but you must vet. Trust, but verify. To assign the whole process a toe tag because of one situation doesnt warrant toe tags for everyone.

Your dealer has always been a white labeler.


Are you insinuating AG seeds are not from the sources they claim ?

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He’s trying to say they are white labels, I think, which is far from correct.

Authentic Genetics sells a generic version of Cultivators Choice work. That’s white labeling as it relates to the seed industry.

Todd and AG most certainly do not have exclusive rights to sell Original Haze from Cultivators Choice. @MadMac got some too.

If Todd worked them in his own way to offer something unique I wouldn’t consider them a White Label offering. I heard he had a former associate of Sam’s help with the selections to offer the closest representation possible for the AG Original Haze releases. That’s White Labeling.

He specifically says he didn’t want to change the lines and wanted to offer them as close to the originals as possible. If there was more product customization then it would be different but he’s capitalizing on sales by selling the story that these are the old genetics, he’s effectively saying himself they are White Label offerings. Many blessings and much love

That’s not white labeling.


I think if a man says something

No, I’m saying that AG is selling seeds based on them being Sam’s Cultivators Choice Original Haze. Based on being NL work from Greg.

He’s either white labeling or he’s creating something new and unique. It can’t be both at the same time. I’m confident the genetics are genuine and from the sources they are said to be from. He reproduced them in the likeness of their original form selling the customers on the story they are the old genetics.
Many blessings and much love

Those aren’t the only options…


Just a little input on white labeling in cannabis. I used to have a lil hash company, and no exaggeration 90%+ of our sales were white labeled lol. Wed print other peoples logos on the gram containers for them all the time. Tons of dispos even sold it as their “house wax”. Its completely standard practice. You cant expect the person making the product also doing point of sale to consumers. As a producer you just wanna sell shit bulk so you can get back to work making more.

Of course with seeds, it puts a bad taste in peoples mouth, since so much of it is total junk. But even brands people seem to love like Humboldt Seed Co are nothing more than corporate white label made in Norcal. Then they slap some “old school Boldt” marketing on it. As long as theres transparency as to who is making the seeds, why is there an issue? Im no Todd fan. Hes been a total prick to me personally. Maybe jump all over him for his anti social rants, not white labeling lol


There are many options and legal framework. Many blessings and much love

White Label can be awesome. Great value for a quality product! That’s the idea. Many blessings and much love

To me it’s just renaming seeds so they sell better. I seriously don’t think that mass production of thousands of different strains is being done at all these facilities. I believe its when someone makes a million seeds and just names them a bunch of different popular/desirable/trendy strain names so they’ll sell. I’ve always felt it was a fraudulent business. Contracting someone else to grow your specific genetics is something completely different to me.


That’s not white labeling that’s fraud.

Like the community often misuses the term “strain.” The cannabis community is behind in so many ways. Respectfully. Many blessings and much love

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You can keep making semantic arguments but if you’re the only one that refers to something as such, then is it really correct?


It’s just a funny plant and seeds are practically free if you’re nice to dorks growin’ dope on the internet. Why stress?


Exactly why it could be taken as an insult ,if some believe the term to mean what i believe it to mean. Even if we’re wrong in our perceived definition of the term.

I feel personally attacked🤣



Todd took it as an insult, I didn’t and still don’t think White Label is inherently bad. He then proceeded to call an Overgrow member here who likened his reproduction and genetics acquisitions practices to that of White Labeling practices as being a verified snitch. I gauge my responses based on the tone and respectfulness shown to others and reply accordingly as I see fit.

The option for Todd to donate seeds to the Co-Op to help his endeavors of being a Johnny Appleseed are here for him to take up. Unfortunately we can’t as members offer up those varieties because he is currently selling them. Against Co-Op reproduction rules. Many blessings and much love

Hahahah, hey man it takes one to know one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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