Oohwee whats up with that!

Hope that finally helps, have you checked ppm’s in your water feed and runoff? You can do when lights off a foliar spray with Epsom salts to correct that Magnesium deficiency … :sunglasses:


George I am running a soil grow so how do I ppm that? And what ratio do I mix a epsom foliar spray? Thanks to all that gave weighed in on this issue! :v:

Run off is 7? Plant reading doesn’t suggest that, that thing is looking low. Generally yellow growth with the veins and dark stems/petioles suggests low pH. High pH, like 7-ish, usually means dark green growth with small rusty holes in leaves.

Is your pH pen off/uncalibrated? I use drops, less precise but never wrong.

@George Mg deficiencies are rare. Deficiencies with commercial complete nutrients aren’t really a thing, just pH problems or other issues. If it’s such a great nutrient line, and all his plants are using it, why would it be giving Mg issues? Nutrients don’t “stress” plants. They need them.


@vernal When your running with LED it’s normal to give an extra of CalMag, IMHO those leaves look like having an MG deficiency, if it was a general pH unbalance all the leaves and plants would be affected, which is not the case.


Found some broscience out there:

If you are in soil and you’re using led lights: the led light is cooler so your leaf set to your leaf temperature is a little bit cooler. That causes a lower perspiration rate, making your magnesium, potassium, and calcium ions less mobile.

In that three-way competition the magnesium ion normally loses out. So if you were to just do a Calmag drench it would do no good. It’s not that the soil is depleted of magnesium. Because of the lower surface temperature on the leaf the plant isn’t sweating so it’s not bringing the magnesium up"

I was given the advice to not change the nutrients brand in the middle of the grow, you must find the right balance for the ones you use, maybe “stress·” is not the right word to describe it, could be that breaking their intake routine in the middle of a grow would make them feel uncomfortable, I didn’t ask for the reason when that advice was given to me, I trust that person and just thought it makes sense.

It would be interesting to find out if all the plants are the same strain or those affected could be different and strain related issue.

@Tejas I check the ppm once added all the nutes to the water and also the runoff to see their intake. Foliar works with one or two tablespoons to a gallon, you could try with half a tablespoon to one quart in a quart spray container.

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Deficiency charts are poor indicators. Magnesium looks just like Fe, S, K, N deficiencies. I’ve never once seen someone say “oh I was copper deficient got it sorted now with some copper sulfate foliars”. Deficiencies are almost never a single element, it is almost always a multiple-element lockout cause by pH. 99/100 times.

I have seen an awful lot of people with pH issues, though. That’s not deficiency, it’s full lockout. Isn’t the Mg in pH perfect chelated? Even if it wasn’t, IDK how “LED” impacts that, probably minimally. Why would the other plants be doing fine?


I dont know you so i cant answer that question. I have no clue how long you have been growing or how much energy your willing to put into it. Obviously, I must have fallen into one of them 2 categories at some point because i have half full bottles of it. I tried it due to the ph perfect technology. I wanted to be lazy. Who doesnt want to skip a step amd get the same results. My point is, I paid the extra money for AN. Still had to adjust ph to get descent results. And the results were no better then Gen Hydro or any of the other popular nute bottles. That was my point to the OP. I figured he wasnt PH adjusting his feed because of AN claims that are simply untrue. Been there done it. Im no expert when it comes to nutrient uptake and absorption. But, I do know the AN ph perfect did not work for me unless i ph adjusted my water.

I will give the foliage spray a shot. Is once a day enough, or what kind of schedule should I follow? Is it ok to use when the plants flower and do I spray the entire leave, top and underneath?
I used pH strips to test the water and runoff. I need to get a pH pen.
Also, the 2’x4’ led light is putting out 235 at the wall, these are the EB gen. 2, 3500k. First time for me under LED.

Thanks! :v:

Edit: I will make sure to check pH the next feed and adjust to 6.5.

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I humbly disagree, Fe is an immobile nutrient, deficiency only appears in the new growth, S has no blotches and yes burnt tips, K has rusty burnt borders, N has no blotches at all …

It is commonly admitted that when you are under LED plants need more CalMag, I am not going to discuss that. Do you think having pH 7 is a big issue? I think Grease_Monkey has demonstrated it is not the case.

I have already asked if they are different strains, which would demonstrate it could be strain related: my Hibernate are dark green and my Orange Goji lime green, being fed with the same unpHed water and nutes.

I agree if someone says “AN didn’t work for me”, but generalizing, saying it is a crap and advising the OP to change looks slightly exaggerated to me, perhaps is just your tap water the cause, it works fine for other people like me or my advisor …

For me it was just the contrary, I started to have happy plants when I stopped measuring it, one never knows …

I think instead of discussing about the sex of the angels, which doesn’t help at all the OP we should concentrate in finding a solution.

@Tejas: Just do a foliar spray (also underneath) right before the lights go off, avoid spraying flowers, wait to see if they react and repeat in a couple of days if doesn’t. Hope you will get that pH measurer and check the ppm’s, the more info we’ve got, the besser … beer3|nullxnull


I don’t think his pH measurement is accurate, judging from the photos. Again, some dubious weed plant chart on the internet isn’t an end-all be-all authority over the problem.

Why would 3 plants look like full lockout but not the rest? There isn’t that much variation between “strains”. That simply doesn’t account for the difference in appearance.

IDK, he isn’t the first person to have problems with AN pH perfect. If he’s having problems like this. Either it is an incomplete nutrient (which I doubt), or it doesn’t actually maintain proper pH levels. Switching to something else may be appropriate.


A few things to add… what type of light are you using and what temperature and humidity is your room ?

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That’s why I asked the OP for ppm’s and getting a new pH measurer, that info will tell us if it needs an adjustment or not, better than just changing the bottles when you don’t certainly know what caused the issue … beer3|nullxnull

Why would changing nutrients be a problem? The plant just wants nutrients, it doesn’t care about brands.

Again, this tells me the nutrient is either incomplete, or doesn’t actually hold pH at the proper levels like it claims. Either way, why use it?

It doesn’t claim it holds the pH, just chelates the nutrients so they are available for the plant, independently of the pH range. Here’s a pic of the water I am feeding the plants with, just near 7.3 as I stated before, why are you going over and over with the same arguments?

Semantics at this point. It doesn’t buffer pH or the chelated forms don’t work at higher pH ranges. Either way, why use it? Obviously, it doesn’t work. Why wouldn’t he switch?

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That’s your opinion, not mine, why shouldn’t work for him with 7 and yes for me with 7.3? Let’s wait to have more info … :sunglasses:

Do you work for AN or something? It isn’t my opinion, look at the pictures.

It is not working as advertised. It says you don’t need to adjust pH, yet his plants appear to have pH lockout. IDK why this is going over your head. He is not the first person to report these issues with the product.


Have a great wekend, we’re not going to any good port with this … beer3|nullxnull


I asked a question regarding the use of the foliage spray. Do I spray both sides of the leaf and is it ok if the plant has started flowering?


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Yes to both sides and no to spraying flowers.

Peace and hair grease.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Thanks Kev!

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