Oohwee whats up with that!

Already answered, sorry for clogging your thread, waiting for new pH measures and ppm’s … beer2|nullxnull

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this pH and water argument sounds a lot like the watt/ft^2 argument…in that it neglects to mention the ppm of the water at that pH. If I had a solution at a pH of 7.3 and a ppm of 270 I would expect far different results than with water at say 7.3 and 70 ppm Same for the acid side of this situation. And that totally neglects the substrate/soil and whether it is giving up anything.

Similar in that the lighting comparison neglects time.

That’s full lockout homes, not solely a hungry plant. Even using half strength nutrients won’t be that bad. It’s probably not primarily a ppm/EC issue. Top to bottom old and new yellowing/rusty spots to that degree suggests something different than simple high/low ppms.

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Did you download the picture and watch it in a big screen? We don’t see the same things …

Looking at the same pictures you are. The 3 top plants are extremely yellow and chlorotic.

Dude even says he’s using cal/mag. Why would it be Mg? It is not a deficiency. It isn’t ppms. That isn’t what high or low ppm looks like. It isn’t burnt from overly high EC or the lime green of a hungry plant. It is, however, exactly what lockout looks like.

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I agree 100 percent with you. I dont even think i would keep those plants at this point. Especially if i had cuts of them. Just give it some mag. It will green right up! :joy::joy::joy:

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I will buy some peace of mind ignoring you both, great invent in the OG v 3.0, chop them all, best advice I’ve ever seen …

Oh. Is someone butt hurt because of a differing opinion. Imagine that! In this day and age. That is definitely not just a mag deficiency.

Oh no. The great george has ignored me. What will i ever do. :joy::joy::joy:

Right? Literally just trying to fix the guy’s plants, for free, because I like talking about weed. IDK why everything has to be such a big blowout every damn time haha.

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People cant handle when someone has a differing view point or opinion. Welcome to the 2020s. Lol. Oh well.

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Ugh I know. It’s like…if you wanna set up a arduino controlled grow module, wire up an LED light, or install a closed loop BHO system, etc., I cannot help you in any way. I simply do not have that experience.

If you wanna fix a fucked up plant or talk about nutrients, well, that I have experience with. Everything I know was learned through the hard way i.e. failure lol.


I haven’t grown with bottled nutrients in years, but from my organic gardening perspective, I have seen leaves browning from the center outward only as a symptom of extreme root lock, or lack of oxygen to the root zone. These are often synonymous because root lock causes oxygen deprivation, but there can also be other causes such as overwatering.

I used to see this occasionally in seedlings or teen plants that weren’t transplanted soon enough. If I ever saw this in my grow, I would fix it by transplanting into a larger pot of organic soil.

This may not be relevant, but I thought it might be worthwhile to look at this from a different perspective than nutrient lock-outs.

Also, excellent thread title.


So the water, tap, that I am using sits foe several days to dechlorinate. I checked ppm of the water and it is reading 70 ppm. Is that good or bad?
I also mixed up 1/8 tsp epsom salt to 1 quart spray bottle to apply to the foliage.

I asked for a recommendation for nutrients as I did not have an idea when I purchased the AN pH perfect product. It worked well for my outdoor grow, but growing under led’s is different.

It isn’t overwatering I am pretty diligent about checking the plants first thing in the morning and before lights out.

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70 ppm is great for a start, what does it read when you add nutrients? I grow mines under LED and they are going fine, that’s not the problem, Watering just before lights out is not a good idea, watering in the morning until a slight runoff works better, you wouldn’t need to water twice, only when pot is dry … beer3|nullxnull

I plan to water w/nutes tomorrow and report back. As a rule I don’t water at night only the morning. Didn’t mean to give the impression I water both day and night.

Might be a nitrogen problem

Continuing on an organic line of thinking…
If it is just a root oxygenation problem, cutting a few extra drainage holes in the side of the pot would solve it. I’ve had some strains that just didn’t like plastic pots, and this has worked for that problem.

What strain is this? and what size containers are you using?

It might just need some room to stretch its roots out, some genetics are more sensitive to container size than others. Specifically, some strains get upset unless they have a pot with a wide enough diameter. For some plants growth is limited by the width of the container, and they can display minor problems if the growth of their foliage reaches or grows past the sides of the pot.

Again, it might not be relevant for a bottled nutrient grow, but that’s how I would troubleshoot this with my ultra-simplified organic gardening method.

Another thing I might try is simply giving it some worm castings as mulch or compost tea to re-establish healthy soil microbiology, which pretty much regulates my ph and other finer variables for me.

Sorry if I missed it but I can not see an answer to Nitro’s question above. I would be interested to know the light used and temps and humidity too if they are available.

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