Operation fuck cancer grow

heather way to stay vigilant with your plants. i think i can see the round structure that you believe might be a pollen sac.

if i’m not mistaken (which i might very be), both female and male plant organs will be round. from the female bracts (is this the correct term?), white hairs or stigmas will shoot out. those white hairs are what i look for to identify female.

the male pollen sacs will dangle though, like grapes. i think i recall some of them growing up out of the branches, but most of the pollen sacs will hang off of small branches. the sacs open up from below, like fuchsia, so i think that’s why they have to dangle.

although re-reading your post maybe you were worried your plant had gotten seeded and not that we were looking at boy parts.


Looking quite nice as a beginning set up. Didn’t know this community was so nice and helpful.

Definitely spending more time on here, sucking in the knowledge and general advice.

I hope the grow goes well for you @Heather420

Greetings from Portugal


I can have some Pics I can post in the morning for @Heather420 :smiley: of both Male and a Female of the same plant/Strain too, if that will be helpful? The Male is out on the other side of the Garage. Chop day is tomorrow I guess. :wink:

Have a good night. :seedling:


Yes that would be really helpful in case i run into a similar situation. I culled my males before they got too mature so I never seen the older development beyond what I’ve found on Google

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When a plant herms they will show both sexes right? Where would I find the male parts in that case? That was my worry that it may have hermed an pollinated itself, I was even more nervous when I realized that plant is in from of a fan an would’ve easily blown around the whole tent.

It was mentioned because of the stigmas turning brown after only 18/19 days of flower. I still don’t know the reason why but I’m fairly certain that it hasn’t been pollinated


This thread should help…


Here is the Male Plant:

In ALL HIS glory!

I’ll have some Pics of the female very soon.

It is a:

Female, of the same Strain. :+1:t2: :sunglasses:

Both started indoors and moved outdoors

I hope this helps. :+1:t2: :relaxed:


Male, Female or Hermie? :microscope: Official Sex Identification Topic - Overgrow.com


So I removed my scrog. It was just to annoying in my case. I understand how it’s useful but in practice I would need either more room or less plants. I wasn’t able to reach and tend to the plants in the back. My plants look happier without it in my opinion


Help please! I had a disaster happen while trying to hang my new lights. I taped up what I could and what I couldn’t tape I removed and put into a jug of water. I’ve never successfully taken a cutting so I don’t know what to do. I’m stressing big time. Multiple plants were hit, this one took the brunt of it though :pleading_face:


Don’t worry about the cuttings, these things happen… no stress, keep moving forward.:sunglasses:
Note to self… always remove the plants before working on the grow space.


I’ve accidentally FIM’d a couple plants by dropping my light on them in Veg one ended up being my monster anesia seeds MAC last year. All you did was super crop and allow more light to bud sites. It’s a Win Win :metal: even in bloom the plant will recover


I’m excited to announce that after building up a little following on Twitter I was given the opportunity to use a Marshydro TS600 and a Sproutboxx YC-2000. I’ve had the marshydro hanging for a few days an you can already see the difference on that side of the tent. I just hung the Sproutboxx a few hours ago so can’t comment just yet. It did survive the drop onto my plants soooo it’s built like a beast lol
Between the two my tent glows like the sun. I cannot wait to see the difference in my plants :pray:


movin on up :metal:



These ladies are already busting out of the hoop house :exploding_head: Are are getting biiiiiiig!

@buckaroobonsai what’s the growing season here? When do they begin to flower? Around the end of August?


First to second week of August usually…. They are really picking up steam! Looking great Heather!


Just check your zip codes day & night calendar


Look at the hour’s day length today at my place 15.00 hrs. of daylight. Blueberry Muffin popping soon, some get going just below 15 hrs. and some closer to 14, a lot in between. Grow looks Kind. Peace


Good post!

That’s very handy checking timing for landraces etc.



Ugh I feel so dumb it took me three weeks to realize I should have been feeding a teaspoon of nutrients not a tablespoon. The plants are now showing the effects of that, mostly this plant but the others have mild burns. What do I do? Flush them? Hope for the best?


This plant is giving me multiple twins! Just about every bud site has two growing from it