Operation fuck cancer grow

i’m not a lighting or electronics nerd so i couldn’t tell you what you need or if it would be safe to add a dimmer to your light. but from the looks of your plants i would say you don’t need to dim your light. or if you do, you can just raise it up for now. but it seems like your lights are ok.

regarding your plants, they look pretty good right now. i ran into watering issues myself and my plants have felt slower in growth because of it. also my initial transplants were rough, so my plants had to recover from that as well.

were you going to move them outside at some point? if so, once they’re happy outside, the sunlight should beat any led panel you can buy.

i feel like i’m having good success with my first grow, but i have also thrown a lot of money at my tools. my tent kit was $700 for example. but i got it in two days and everything works together quite nicely. the led panel is awesome and the controller allows me to get things dialed in more easily. considering your budget is limited i think you’re doing very awesome! that’s not even considering the soil and amendments i have bought.

regarding those ilgm nutes, they don’t seem to give a lot of info about what’s in the bottles, just their general n-p-k ratios and when you should use them. i also don’t recognize the bergman label but i’m a new grower, so maybe i just don’t know them.

since you’re growing in coco/soil, i would do a search on overgrow for other coco growers and see what they use. for my grow, i found a few og’ers using earthboxes and have tagged them for advice as well as reading through their journals. a search for bergman turns up some hits.

perhaps the ilgm coupon makes those nutes an attractive deal for you. i would just compare it to what standard nutes coco growers use and see if it’s a better deal.

have you looked into korean natural farming and making your own inputs and fertilizers yet? it doesn’t take a long time to make the fpj or ffj and cost is quite minimal (containers and brown sugar).


The babies in the tent are about 5 weeks old now, still not seeing any presex. Learning how to train them thru trial an error


Just finished putting the other girls in the ground, with the advice from @buckaroobonsai


Best way to learn, it’s fun seeing how the different plants respond to it too!

Looking great, keep on rocking :guitar:
:v: :v: :v: :v:


Somehow this blueberry is still alive. I don’t think it’s growing even a little, 5 weeks old an still the size of a seedling


Might still surprise you! Fingers crossed!


my guess is that even though your plants are technically 5 weeks old, their growth has been stunted (you’ve mentioned this) and so they may only actually be or feel like they’re 3 weeks old. but don’t worry, they’ll show you some sex soon enough, and then once they explode into their flowering stretch, you’ll be so busy and tired with maintaining them that you’ll wish you were back in the pre-sexed days. i know i sort of am, lol!

it looks like you’ve setup your outdoor plants very nicely for your environment. loving the hoop house you’ve created for them, as well as that leopard print fabric! those outdoor plants are gonna have to be fabulous now!

i agree with @Slick1, that little one might still surprise you. it looks like the leaf tips are burning though, so perhaps shade it or feed it some aloe?


I think my ph is high? These aren’t the best sensors but they are both reading around 7 1/2. How can I bring that down


I don’t think those things work worth a damn to be honest. Sulphur will bring it down, but I wouldn’t trust that reading.


100% agree with this :arrow_double_up:

Only thing those are good for is for finding water level in your pots… and that’s sketchy at best…


Yeah, ignore those sensors.


Does the light sensor work or is that off too? What’s a better yet still cheap sensor?

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The cheapest way to test soil would be with a kit I guess. A good PH tester soil probe that actually works runs a few hundred dollars.


The light sensor is pretty rough too. The pH meters are only good for … I don’t know what they’re good for actually… :thinking: :laughing:

:evergreen_tree: wish they worked

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Haha. Your grow is stylin and profilin. Lookin good.


Check out the stem on this blueberry. Thiccc


Do you know what Blueberry line that is? How is pop’s doing?


@buckaroobonsai the label says blueberry 99 x Jack Herer. Beyond that I only know what Google says about it :flushed:


This is the nutrient I got that I talked about above. Ilgm was kind enough to give me a coupon to cover the cost. I don’t want to judge to hard because I haven’t tried it yet but for $50 I thought there would be more, those small bags are like sample sizes. I will try it out an give my plants some next time I water


Are the application rates large?