Organic inputs and how they affect terpenes

I tried to get folks to use the homemade version since 2015.
It is kinda sad it has not caught on better.
I dropped some good info here about some other stuff you can make yourself too, nothing but crickets… :grin:


We’ll send me the info! I’m very interested in recipes, when, and how to apply them. Please share!

Shag I pulled up the thread you referenced and there’s no recipe there.

That is the same response I got way back then.
I never had a recipe.

Check out some of my other threads here for some more DIY info.

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How do I use Chitosan Oligosaccharide to replace Bud Factor X? | 420 Magazine This has the recipe


Just thinking about this the other day…sheep only eat grass…and oc beer… Gotta be some of the best stuff there is!

But this is a great topic I am intrigued by. I typically use Botanicare so not so much on the home brews, but obviously it’s an area of great interest… Plants do preform better in a home organic setup…or one with Botanicare and organic amendments…this is the area where my knowledge is lacking. Would love to hear all about your home organics, etc :grin:



I still found no recipe there.
Also, it is my belief that Bud factor x does not contain Harpin Proteins
My trials with harpin were limited, but I saw very minimal improvement when using it.

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I’ve used S to enhance terps for ages. Been using MSM, (Methylsulfonylmethane), on and off over the last few years and it works as well as anything and is considered organic tho the name sure doesn’t sound like it. You can get it at the drug or health food store as a supplement for joint pain tho those are often synthetically made. It naturally occurs in high protein foods but hard to get out for plant use. :slight_smile:

The first buds I ever grew back in '78 were in soil and dry sheep manure from the father-in-law’s farm near Red Deer, Added a bunch of crushed gravel, mixed it up in his cement mixer and cooked it in a 45gal drum over a wood fire to kill all the bugs. Small but tasty buds of Thai Stick, Maui Wowie and a couple others. Would just get laughs now but my friends in Calgary were impressed as hell. All under a bunch of T-12 lights.

I use Big Bud from AN for my booster and have since it was invented. Would hate to grow without it. It has 10%S and they make an organically derived version as well tho I’ve never tried that one. Lots of aminos with citric and ascorbic acids at 0-15-35 NPK. I prefer the powdered version over the bottled stuff as it has a much longer shelf life and I don’t use tons.


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Ive found synthetic inputs produce a very narrow spectrum of flavors and smells.
Organic produces not only a wider spectrum, but allows the plant to stack a medley of smells in the same plant. So you might get lemons and tangerines with backgrounds if pine and incense


Gypsum - sulfur
Neem seed meal
Fish meal
Liquid fish
Crustacean meal
Manganese sulfate
Rock dusts, including rock phos


Here is some info on using MSG on cannabis.

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The recipe I came up with is 1 gram chitosan and .3 gram salicylic acid mixed into a gallon for stock solution. Then I add the harpin protein right before I spray to the amount I spray which has the directions on the pack.If your just using chitosan you will need to go over the amount listed in the photo to activate the SAR response. I’m still in testing phase with this but it’s said to increase terpenes and THC. It’s definitely not hurting by the looks of things.

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Here is a thread that has formula/recipe that should save you some money.

I feel it is a good idea to learn as much as you are able about plant stress before you decide how much and when to stress your plants.
For instance, there is more than one type of plant stress not just SAR, and there are things to think about like crosstalk ect.
Remember AN is in the business of making money not growing your best plants, at least in my opinion.

The only true way to know if the changes were positive or not is a proper side-by-side experiment with a control plant.
Anything less only leaves you with anecdotal evidence, which is kinda meaningless, scientifically speaking anyhow.

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Yup, mostly SAR vs JAS
Jasmonic and Salycic are mutually exclusive. So if you use a lot of one, you’ll need to use more of the other to get the effect.
Jasmonic is more of a stress hormone, salycic will calm the plant. SAR is good to recover from stress. JAR is good to expedite flowering and get more potency.