Organical's adventure in growing - 3rd run! Currently Bodhi, Boss Hoss, Elite Clone seed co

Thanks for stopping in friend! And hopefully they turn into bushy females! :crossed_fingers:


So I’m definitely chopping on Sunday evening, they are ready as far as I can tell but the wife is having a pretty decent sized party at the house on Sunday. So just in case some guests start wandering and end up near my office, I don’t want it to be pungent :joy:.

Also in other news, I just got the “Regular” T3 trust level! So yay to being a regular :sunglasses:


Very nice bro! Remember to get some lights off / flash on pics before harvest, love those.

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Oo good call brother on some glamour shots :laughing:, I’ll definitely get some before the axe :axe::axe:

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WE CHOPPED FRIENDS :grin::grin::grin:
Took me 2 hours to trim the two of them lol, but I was probably being a bit slow at first trying to get in the groove.
My office is sitting around 68°F and 59% RH, I think pretty good conditions. I bought some Paracord that I strung across the room and then I put shower curtain hangers on that, so I have an easy way to dry for all my future harvests :sunglasses:.

Once we’re sufficiently dried I’ll put putting it all in grove bags.

Here’s just a dump of all my photos from last night, glamour shots, trimming, little bit of everything :joy:. Thanks for everyone’s advice and input for this first grow, you guys rock 🪨


They look awesome! Great job on your first grow!


Thanks brother! Appreciate you hanging around for it!


Hell yeah buddy congrats on the harvest. Looks like some :fire:.

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Thanks brother, and thank you for all your input during the process :seedling:!

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Just transplanted the Redlines to 3 gallon pots, I will probably let them get settled for a week and I’m thinking I flip at that point.
The one grew really lopsided, I’m sure it was from my very rough first transplant :joy:, this second time went much smoother. I set it in the new pot hopefully at an angle enough for it to adjust, but as it stands it is a fern looking thing haha.


What hits the dirt next man? Hoping you grow that razzberry hashplant or the pure land hashplant, I have both lol. I’m pumped to grow that razzberry hashplant for sure.


Haha it’s funny you say that brother, I was JUST staring at my list trying to decide :laughing:


Nothing major to report, been doing some training with these two and decided to add the trellis net just for shits and gigs. I’m still thinking I’ll be flipping to 12/12 shortly here just to see how the dice roll goes with them.


Also some fun stuff the AI overlord cooked up for me :laughing:


I’m so hesitant to do the AI thing. I do want to but I really feel once you do it you can’t undo it. Beautiful plants growmie!

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Alright I pulled the trigger last night on bagging this stuff up! It was the right call, as the hygrometers read 62 and 65 in each grove bag. I burped the one this morning before heading to work so I’ll see what it reads in a few hours once I’m home.
I got 65g of the really good looking plant, dense fruity smelling buds
And 69g of the other plant, a similar smell but less pungent and much looser airy buds.
I think a respectable harvest for my first grow, I’m very happy with it, I was hopeful for a QP and I ended up even better!


Very nice man, glad you got em in bags at the right time. Expect a chlorophyll smell for a couple weeks at least, but it’ll pass.

Was the trim bin worth it? Considering grabbing one.

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Eh, if I’m being honest, for the money ($36), probably not with this grow as far as getting sift/kief from it. It was ergonomic with the cutouts for your hands which was nice, and it was very convenient to leave it sitting in there while I was working with it and minimal risk of spillage, etc. I’ll certainly get my monies worth eventually but I probably didnt need it so soon with a small harvest.

Here’s a shot of the pile of kief with a pen for reference, not much to speak of :joy:


Lol yeah man that’s what I figured would happen for myself. With that being said I have all of this trim and I thought once it’s real dry I could rub it / shake it across that screen and see what happens. I don’t know what else to do with the trim lol, alot of cooking/bubble hash stuff is just kind of annoying whether it’s the smell of cooking or having to take a whole day off to grind up trim and ice water lol. I’d be cool with just some dry sieving and tossing the rest.

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I mean probably not a bad idea, this is the one I got - Ablaze Tray with Replaceable 150 Micron Screen

I guess you could buy just the 150 micron screen and make one with a couple buckets, but I’m not above spending a couple dollars for convenience lol. I definitely don’t regret getting it.
I threw a bunch of trim in a bag and into the freezer but who knows if I’ll get around to using it, I already make coconut oil with vaped weed and have plenty of that lol.

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