Orloff's bean graveyard

Things are moving in my little corner. Plants seem to be responding great to my regular CalNit foliars, even #2 has perked up noticeably. I will be able to give her better conditions when I run her from clone, she is definitely Calcium sensitive in my environment.

I did notice some tip burn on new growth on #1, so I will back down on foliar frequency. Her autopot was connected to reservoir 2 days ago. This is completely new category for me - managing reservoir hygiene and EC. I am wondering how the plant will respond to constant bottom feeding from the reservoir as opposed to manual top-feeding I was doing before. I am sure some salt buildup will occur in the upper parts of the autopot, but manual says not to worry about it. Should I reduce EC? Should I aerate or at least mix the reservoir solution? So many things to figure out.

Yesterday I put up a new, smaller tent and moved #2 to it. Itā€™s lighted by my old Hans Panel, I need to sort some ventilation for it. It will serve as my seedling/veg tent, while my 70cmx70cm Marshydro will act as a bloom tent. Moving #2 allowed me to put up a trellis in the ā€œbigā€ tent. I donā€™t like the nylon cord I used, itā€™s not very sturdy and is already degrading into hair-thin, plasticky strands. The plant seems to like it either way. I will probably veg her for another week to fill in the net, then flip. She is 31 days old from sprout today, still putting out symetrical nodes and not showing pre-sex:

Here is #2 in my new veg tent. Her stem rub is the most delicious thing Iā€™ve ever smelled - this crazy delicate and sweet lemony cookie smell. I would put it in a bottle and use it for showering if I could:

And just to give you an idea of the space (or lack of it) Iā€™m working with. Saying that my wife is a saint for letting me do this is an epic understatement :joy:.


Just use fresh sprouts and a pencil.
No fresh dirt or disturbances to be seen.


And no animal digs


I thought most people veg indoors for a while, then harden the plants for a couple days before planting them outside? See, I said I need to read some guidesā€¦ :slight_smile:

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Cute tent (the small one) find it online?
Also love your others tents string webbing.

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Most do but I prefer not too.
This was actually part of my gorilla, SOP.
If you plant river bottoms and swamps not alot of nutes needed, its already there.


Iā€™ll call it tenticle :rofl:. Itā€™s from a Polish store https://www.growtent.eu/. The only place Iā€™ve ever seen Royal Room tents, I think they produce themselvesā€¦ The dimension were just right for my space, as you can see, every centimeter matters (even height because of the stairs-slope).

String worked better in my mind than in reality, the plastic string is fraying too easily. I will probably replace it, donā€™t want plastic hairs in my buds :grimacing:.

No swamps or river bottoms, just plain old boring (but oh so beautiful) European woods :wink:. Donā€™t you worry about wildlife eating your seedlings? Considering how hard it was to buy these Mephisto autos I want to make sure they make it :sweat_smile:.


Think about it:
No foreign or fish smells from nutes.
No disturbed earth, to act as a billboard with an arrow that says ā€œeat hereā€ for critters or for people to notice.

Because of this method I didnā€™t need wire baskets for predators, people didnā€™t notice,
Didnt need to carry nutes or a shovel.
No big bushes for people to notice.

Gots to be smart to think like a fox.
Sly as a fox, buddy.
Sly as a fox.


Ok mr. fox, you have me convinced! Just to doublecheck, you are talking about placing a bean in the hole or a freshly sprouted seedling? If latter, how old?

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Freshly sprouted bean nice 1" tail.or so

Please please capital M and capital F LMAO

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Hey guys, looking for some input from anyone with experience regarding reservoir health. I was worried about this issue coming in and today I noticed first possible issues (self-fulfilling prophey much? :expressionless:).

As I opened the res to do my daily EC/PH check, I noticed a faint sour smell. Looking inside, I could see something forming on the surface - looks like tiny bubbles forming a sort of film/crust on the surface of nutrient solution.

The film clings onto whatever I stick in there, here it is on my EC pen.

And hereā€™s a glass that I took a sample of res water with. The film looks like crystaline needles forming.

Here are some facts:

  • reservoir first mixed on 7.1., so 6 days old today,
  • refilled 2 days ago with 10 liters of freshly mixed solution (no full res cleanup was done),
  • nutrient solution consists of tap water, Masterblend+CalNit+Epsom and Aptus Regulator (monosilicic acid) - NO organics,
  • ambient temperature of the room is 20-27 C, res is not cooled in any way,
  • EC remains completely stable, PH rises slowly (0.3 in 2 days),
  • reservoir is not agitated/aerated in any way

Any idea what I could do? I donā€™t want to cool the reservoir, Autopots should work without chilling, as itā€™s not a recirculating system. Should I add a pump to run 10-15 minutes every few hours to keep it mixed? Should I add H2O2 or something similar?

Much appreciation for any insight :pray: :pray: :pray:.

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Iā€™m also using autopots and have never seen anything like that. I only agitate when I lower my ph which is twice daily (she creeps up fast).

Iā€™ve used Megacrop and now using Jacks along with calnit and epsom so canā€™t see it causing your issue.

My only concern would be your ambient temps if she hits upto 27. Do you know what temps your water hits?

Gel time?


Thanks for taking the time to help me. Iā€™d guess that my water stays close to ambient temps, so around 25-26 C would be a safe guess. I canā€™t relocate the reserevoir and I also donā€™t have space for a chiller. I chose Autopot because itā€™s percieved simplicity.

Silicic acid was my first thought as well. I will clean the reservoir today and mix a fresh batch of nutrients without Regulator this time. Hope that is enough to stop my problems. Next step is probably a small agitation pump, just to stir the nutrients every couple of hours. I donā€™t think H2O2 or chloramine will help me, I doubt my issues are of bacterial/organic originā€¦


What kind of light do you have in the tiny tent? Looking for something like that.

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Itā€™s my trusty Hans Panel LED, 6-7 years old, from another time :). Itā€™s working after all these years which is why I still use it. If I were to replace it, Iā€™d probably build something out of Bridgelux strips.


Hope she she works out for you. I had massive issues with autopots while running coco and finally giving them a try again with promix and different feed.

I find i have to clean the lines every 2 weeks or I get a clog. Dripclean seemed to help with that, but it gets pricey and trying to save a few bucks.

Looking forward to see your girls grow. Some big pots youā€™ve got!

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Iā€™m sure I will figure it out. I found some nic tips in this article:

So on my list are a ā€œline cleanerā€ product and a small submersible pump to agitate/mix the nutrient solution. Maybe I will try just the line cleaner and lack of Regulator first, I am really hoping to get by without pumps. Dont need that extra layer of complexity, might as well be doing Ebb&Flow at that pointā€¦


I hear you. Iā€™m trying to get my second flowering tent switched to flood and drain. Makes me life super easy. Only see my babies every 3 days. Way less work than autopots for me.

Autopots are great once youā€™ve got things dialed in. Even better when your solution doesnā€™t need ph down twice a day.

Great article. Ty


Funny thing is, they are supposed to be as easy and LITFA as it gets :slight_smile:. Mix a res once a week and done. I havenā€™t given up on them, some hiccups were expected and res health/hygiene was a big unknown for me. I thought I reduced enough variables by going with salt-based hydroponic nutrient line, but guess not.

Anyway, have a nice clean res, tray, valve and filter now. Moving the plant under my scrog enough to remove the tray was a proper pain in the ass. Anyway, mixed a fresh 10 liters of solution without monosilicic acid this time. The results will be in in a few days :pray: