Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Sugar Belts

These girls are blowing up in the SIPs. I cannot get a good photo but in reality they are a dark green with a good layer of frost already coating the fan leaves.

The left girl has better bud set and more frost

The right girl has a better over structure and node spacing.


I love it when the plants are in that initial phase…


It’s nice and calm in this phase before the storm haha. I’m excited to see what these have in store. I’d love to get 3 females each to get a nice look.
It’s asking a bit much, but I have a good feeling with all of them. :crossed_fingers:


Wow those are all looking great. The SB looks to be throwing on a nice layer of frost early. Hopefully it follows the Sugar Cane mama in that department. The SC really shines those last few weeks of flower. That’s when it really cakes it on the frost! You should be close to done with stretch, now we get to watch the buds stack, everyone’s favorite part!
The Nana looks nice and healthy too! Definitely swayed towards the indica genes. The Nana must have more dominant genes than the SB. It’s going to be really interesting to see what flavors and terpenes come from that combo!
Good work man! They look super happy!


He’ll yeah! Happy dance for happy plants haha. Lets go!


Awesome! Another story begins​:fire::rocket:


And again…Sorry i’m late :grimacing:

Everything is going well!
I just can’t confirm your theory @Ottafish - Of 6 Double Cross in the same pot, 3 Males :wink:
Maybe the pot was too big for communication :grin:
I think they’ll need some food soon. Anybody has experience with teas from worm castings, in early flower?

Here are some pictures - It showed first hairs on the 17th of Semptember and the pictures are from yesterday the 22.09.
1.Both 2. Double Cross 3. Pablos Revenge

I hope all of you have a great weekend :green_heart:


Well there goes that theory lol Worm castings are great any time I’d think. It kind of depends on what the worms were fed for what nutrients are in them. I’ve thought about this. You could feed worms a diet that would cater to flowering in one bin and have a bin that you feed the worms materials catering to vegetative growth. That would be cool!


@Ottafish - I pulled this leaf off the sugar belts this morning. The photos I’ve been posting of the girls are coming out a weird yellow colour so I’m sharing this pic, so you can see the colour I see when I’m looking at them in person.


Hmm I’d check the PH first off of the water in the bottom of the sip if you can. I assume you have everything nutrient wise in the SIP from your top dress. So probably would be a PH thing or a lockout thing. Or the top dress isn’t making it to the roots. The top dress also may not be available because it needs time to break down. That’s why it’s best to mix a soil and let it sit, the longer the better so everything breaks down and is available.
Full disclaimer, I don’t consider myself an expert at diagnosis, there’s so many variables. The leaf looks pretty healthy. I’d start with the PH, then if you want to give it something try Clackamas Coot’s fix it tea. It’s a worm casting/kelp tea I believe.

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I think you’re misunderstanding my post above. I’m not having any issues with the plants. Just issues with the photos :grin:. When I look at them, I see beautiful health, dark green and lush plants. When I take pictures of them, they look yellow and sickly. The pictures have been bothering me.

I posted the leaf above because when I took that photo, it came out much closer to healthy green I see, not the lighter green in previous pictures. I guess I’m just trying to say, the girls are in great shape and that the colour in their pictures does not represent how they look to me in real life :grin:


Lmao …. Errr…. Ok yeah I wasn’t seeing anything, the leaf has a beautiful green to me and looks flawless. To me they look great in the photos. Most of the time the dark green we see on leaves indicates too much nitrogen. But anyhow, that link I posted is the best thread I’ve ever found in organic growing. It’s a plethora of invaluable information. Have you seen it before?


Oh man, I was zooming in on the leaf, thinking what does he see that I don’t :flushed: I thought it looked healthy AF :joy:

I have not seen this page before but I’ll definitely check it out. I’m always looking for new recommendations on growing info! :metal::beers:


Update from the closer day 20 flower

Here’s my NG x SB aka Jessica rabbit

The short TF x SB

And the tall one


That would be interesting!!!
I was wondering how this division of material that would be put to compost for different stages would be done…
Here I mix leftover fruit, vegetables, grass clippings, leaves and so on… manure is welcome too.
I believe that to know for sure about the nutrients, the right thing to do would be to analyze this compound.

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@Ottafish gave his blessing……still waiting to hear back from starfleet command…


Gave them slightly bigger pots last night.
Thinking about topping them, and using the tops to root as clones.

The colors change depending on what switches/lights I have on.