Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Damn that stuff looks super good!!! Woo wee! Amazing job!


I’d like to say thank you to all of you that have joined this thread and the Flavor Savour crew. I’d love to do this as a job some day. The only way to make that posssible is through good people, like on this thread that have followed through and contributed their time documenting their grows. I have to say, I’m very impressed with the quality everyone that has ran a full cycle has pulled off. The buds look absolutely dank AF! Well beyond my expectations. You can tell we all have a deep passion for this plant.
If you guys want to try anything else let me know. Anything I have is yours to try.

I made crosses to these females this summer is anyone is interested with these males. I also used Sour Bubble as a male. I forgot that one. POTG is Planet Of The Grapes. That one is definitely stinky.


Sweet line up mate! Those Chimera you ran outside looked awesome! :star_struck:


Yeah the BBC was the one I was most impressed with as far as frost is concerned. But I only got like 15 seeds of those so I will have to do an increase before sharing. That plant was insane. The buds tasted like OG but were more leafy. I think that’s the next one I’ll run in the tent. Maybe I’ll cross it to Sugar Belts😁 Here she is.


I gotta say, the Sugar Belts turned into some really good FECO. Has me reconsidering how I consume cannabis lol.


Those rails! :star_struck:


Yeah I love that one because it’s so freaking chunky! Trimming is a breeze. Plus everything else it has going for it.


Keep knocking it out of the park :100: The passion shows in the plants. 🪴


Thank you very much @Ottafish for the offer.
These genetics top if not top 2 best strains I can think of growing my friend.
The bag appeal the frost and the stink is beyond my expectations.
I think this is the only batch my wife is not letting me cure inside our home.
No matter what end of the house I open the jars at they still stink up the whole other side of the house :joy:.
1,900 square foot house so not too small :joy:.
I will definitely take you up on your offer.
DM incoming sir.
Thank you once again for sharing these amazing strains you have created.


Beggars can’t be choosey - like you have be cultivating for many years (50) - your “creations” look very interesting !!! Any “sugar Belts” hybrids (nana glue. pure michigan. ayuhuasca, ect) Sour bubble, anesia scout cookies - will send you postage and also give you some “regs” for breeding - have many (don’t run regs because of the times) Thanks Steve (nana glue is from Robin Hood ?)

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Yeah Nana glue is from Robinhood. Same guy owns Square One. I have everything you listed above as far as seeds.


THAT is pretty cool!
I just have a Sugar Belts FECO Batch in the Freezer :beers:

Thanks for that info :muscle:


Well since we are sharing surge belts extracts! This is sugar belts and Nanna glue x sugar belts bubble hash mix I made. I’ve just had some and it’s real nice :grin::fire:


Wow that came out really light in color. Almost looks like keif.


It’s dried in the freezer so it doesn’t oxidize near as much, keeps it lighter. This bud was dried but If you use fresh frozen it comes out even lighter.


Do you mean a freeze-dryer or do you dry it in a normal freezer?
That looks pretty clean :sunglasses:

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That would be amazing heated on a plate :raised_hands:

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I have some keif from the grow that I will be pressing for some Rosin.
Pics to come :+1:


Regular freezer. I wash my hash and freeze it in a blob over night. Next day I lay out parchment paper and microplane (small grater) the hash blob to a fine sand, stick it in the freezer and it will dry in about 7 days. Store it in the freezer to keep its colour and preserve terps.

Above was the 70 & 90 micron bags, 2 washes all mixed together. Next time I’m going to try a little harder and separate and process the first wash 70 & 90 micron bags separately and see the difference.


That look AMAZING for a regular freezer.
I know people here in Spain, spending a few k for a freeze-dryer and the product
ain’t looking half as nice!

I normally do Dry-Sift, but maybe i’ll give my old bags another go :grin:

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