Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Great job, Looks like some @JoeCrowe goodness :yum:

I have some trimmings to do, I never get that consistency. Still much to learn.


This was one of my early attempts at it but I can already see how you could make it almost white if you wanted. If you picked your buds early, say first signs of amber and stored it fresh frozen you would get a much whiter product. Make sure to use primo buds to maximize trich to leave ratio and then mixed my hand when washing and only use the first wash 70 and 90 bags. Make sure the buds or the hash never reach and higher temps and dry the hash microplaned in the freezer. If you did all this you would get white full melt I reckon.


The freezer tech is straight outta joes playbook. He’s doing the best hash around OG and is the man to watch of you wanna get into it :grinning:


You mix it by hand?
I have some small camping washing machine for it, what i normally used.
My very first try was with a stick for mixing and the result were, lets say - not like yours :grin:


Thats cool!
I just found, read and made some of @ReikoX GD, so i need a new project anyway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ll go and check for @JoeCrowe thread :muscle:

Thanks @Loggershands !


I was in there but haven’t been in a little bit, I need to brush up on the techniques again.
I didn’t use a small grater in the last two batches. I’ll try it this time around.
Heres what my 90u looked like last time.
1st wash image
2nd washimage


I’ve done both. Hand takes longer, is much more work and has less yield but (I believe) better quality. The drill is good but there is an art to the speed and you can end up with more plant material than you want, especially 2nd and 3rd washes.

I’ve never owned a washer but they seem awesome :grinning:


Sounds good!
I’ll give it a try after studying the stuff of Joe…
Seems as this will take a while :grin:

I’ve bought mine second hand on the spanish equivalent of craigslist and i just changed the tube, it was in total something like 40 bucks.


That’s what I thought - he has his own site , also

(Sb x la) x gth D60 still on the home road top colas and lowers are densing up and getting really sticky and smelling sublime





Nana Glue x SBelts


Hey my friend, I would be interested in growing 1 or 2 of your strains out for you. Not sure if you have any of these mixes available:

  • POTG x Black Strawberry Reserve
    *POTG x Klingon Kandy
    *Blueberry Cupcake x Black Strawberry Reserve
    *Blueberry Cupcake x Klingon Kandy
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So do the hardcore freshfrozen guys freeze their buds instantly? Do they use the covidvac type freezers? -80c? Could you dip the buds in liquid nitrogen and put in the freezer? Is that even doable?

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I have frozen buds in a mason jar
They stayed as fresh as when I stored them when I removed the jars months later
But i have never frozen the actual buds myself.


Holy frost! :astonished::skier:


Hey Otta… what’s up bubba.? I wanted to show you just what can be fit on the
1" labels.
Decided to let a buddy design this one and was impressed. so we need to rethink what to do with yours… Are you still interested bro. you should be the way people are loving your genetics.
And everyone’s plants look incredible… congrats.


Captain this is one beautiful nuggy my friend… bet that would be a doob that would put ya soaring… excellent workings.


It hits hard and i normally use my neighbours for testing, as my tolerance is somewhere up in the sky :grin:

Anyway - they work at construction and are building a houses on the coast.
On monday i rolled one for trying and after 4 or 5 puffs, they decide to stay home and i didn’t saw any of them this week :thinking: :grin:


@Tappy these guys are doing the liquid nitrogen hash thing.


Baahahahaaa!!! Some good parts in there!! Pretty friggin cool!

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