Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

I will , give me alittle bit .


Hopefully it translates over to a good yield for the females. He’s a fine specimen.


Topped all the plants and repotted 2 each of the velvet lakes and fuel dogs last week. 2 days into flower cycle. Due to space restrictions in my wee 2x2 I put 1 velvet lakes and 2 fuel dogs outside. They will flower early due to being autumn. I then realised I had space to sprout 2 autoflowers to run outside in a week :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I germinated a green gelato and gorilla glue :+1:


I really liked both those plants. They were very vigorous. The Fuel Dog was all gas for sure. The Velvet Lakes was a nice berry scent.


Looking forward to trying both for sure man :+1::sunglasses:


I am revisiting this tonight. It’s definitely worth a go. The wife and I lit it up at 6:10. It’s a nice soaring high.

I swear I can feel these trees, swaying in the breeze, in front of me.
I got a feeling y’all can tell I am HAF. Nuff said.


Woo wee! How are they looking? They’re going to turn out great, I can tell by how healthy they look!


How did they turn out? Don’t have any pics by chance? Would you rate them at the top of the top for quality? Thanks for the offer, that’s very generous.


They are looking really good, I will get an updated picture this evening. Seem to have very compact buds.


The buds on this Sugar Belts are like little rock’s.


Wow those are beautiful. They look to be leaning a little to the Indica side more than I’ve seen. I like the buds. They look super chunky with more calyx’s than normal. Is that the sugar belts f2?


I bet your plants have doubled in size huh lol

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I have no idea if they are F2’s or not, Carty just wrote Sugar Belts on the puck.


Trying to keep them manageable :joy:. Going to stick these 4 in the tent real soon. 2 of each cross


Just over first week of flower. I’m not too sure on the front left velvet lakes, hopefully the ganja gods smile upon me and I’ll get 4-5 ladies in the tent :pray::sunglasses:


Nice how tall is the tent, and what light are you running? I’m using the HLG Rspec 600 which needs 24 to 30” of clearance which is not ideal at all compared to the fluence spyders I have which the plants can grow all the way up to and have an even footprint of light. That style of light is ideal for sure. I just like the HLG’s because they grow super dank and not as many people use them. Which makes my bud a little different I feel. I worry my bud won’t be as dank. Even though I’ve seen the end result from friends that use them. I have two trolmaster controllers too… just too lazy to get around to hooking them up. Those are bad ass! I really like that you can make a sunrise sunset for the on off so the lights don’t come on with a blast of light. You can really dial in a grow with those things. They literally will control every parameter. I’m getting on it!


I’ve grown a very packed tent before. I actually yielded really good with some very good buds. When they’re packed I think it’s best to strip literally every fan leaf off a week before flower. Then again at 21 days. I was hesitant but a guy I know does it and kills it. You get more surface area of canopy when the light can go deep into it. Rather than a flat surface. But I have a really hard time doing it. When you strip every leaf you look at them and think you ruined them. But a week later the tent was too thick again. It looked like I didn’t do anything. It just depends on the scenario. If there’s plenty of room I’m just stripping out what doesn’t get light and will be larf plus 1-2 nodes up. Totally depends on the strain too. There’s a lot of variables. I hate stripping the leaves because they’re also storing nutrients the plant can pull from. But… if you have everything in the soil the plant needs maybe it doesn’t matter so much. I like to strip a week before flower or prune just for the fact that I’m not stressing the plant during flower possibly causing it to herm. I also think we’d be better off taking 3-5 leaves a day or whatever rather than stripping a plant all at once. Anyhow I’m rambling my thoughts. Feel free to share yours.


Definitely looks like a single male preflower with a stem and all popping out there. The only times I’ve been fooled is I’ve had quite a few plants that will actually send out a shoot. It starts with a leaf. Seems to happen more on hazes. I think it’s a sign of health. Just like leaves with 11-13 blades.
I’m glad you have all the SB related plants in the tent. Because it grows short and stout like a strait indica and when you put it in a tent with hybrids it just gets shaded out and you don’t get to see the full potential.
Are you going to try any defoliation? I haven’t with SB just because the leaves are so lush and the big. But…. I do wonder if the shoots would branch out more. On pure SB there wouldn’t be anything left the branching is so tight. Idk though maybe the light would penetrate and you’d get a great yield. I think they’d definitely take some time to recover.
Anyhow plants look great! I can tell they’re super healthy and blowing up: when you see those lush dark leaves and the yellow new growth that’s when they’re just growing super fast. Some people think it’s a deficiency but I always have that when everything is perfect and they’re just growing like mad.
Are those plants branching at all? They look to be leaning towards SB as usual. It usually takes 2 or more out crosses to get away from the strong Indica genes. I think pure strains are like that. They’re genes are way more dominant than those of hybrids.


Very nice work, I’m not a trimmer on those extremes, id rather cut larf and lower leaves before I start up top. I will however trim leaves the closer I get to harvest. If I’m chopping a plant in a week, I will trim all fan leaves because as you said, its stored energy and I don’t need that right before harvest. Also seems to lessen the amount of flushing necessary. Beautiful flowers man.


See I almost think you should start up top and leave them bottom leaves if they’re getting light. The commercial guys that get the best yields all defoliate hard. I never like to but I get it now. It’s definitely strain specific as well. Yield is all about surface area. A flat surface you only get that square footage. But when you have penetration of light 3’ into the canopy all the buds are well developed and nice. And instead of getting square footage of light on the flat it’s up and down to wherever the light penetrates which equals way more square footage. You ought to try it on that plant from me. It has the perfect structure for it. I think you’d yield way more. Then spread it out too. If not I’d definitely strip off the bottom 1/3. Then always cut off the first 1-2 nodes/branches off each new shoot. You do what you want though. But I promise it won’t ruin the plant.
Your plants look great though man. Deep lushious green. I’m just throwing out what’s comes into my mind here. Hopefully I don’t come off the wrong way. I think some people get annoyed by sharing their opinions. I like it. I’ll listen to anyone’s.