Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

They look perfect! Super lush and not a blemish on them. Those crosses are going to make your house smell like a fruit cocktail here soon! Both have a lot of stench.


Thank you! Except the little leaf munchers :joy: can’t wait to stink it up. They went from a super dry 100° outside to a balmy moist 80° they are stoked.

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Get some Dr Zymes. That stuff works good, is not poisonous and can be used all the way through flower. Have you tried it? I’d use that over anything else. I heard you could take a bath in it, it’s so safe. Just apply it heavy all over the plants after the light turn off.

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Ohhh weee, I know you’re excited about those beans. Hopefully you’ll be willing to part with a few when they’re ready. That Banana Butter Cup looks and sounds amazing…
K++ @Ottafish


Definitely will have some to share.

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I’ll have to check it out. Sprayed them with neem oil the night before for anything small but the grass hoppers are easy to control.

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I had back luck with neem working and messing up my plants. I forget but I know you’re not supposed to mix neem or oils with other sprays. I forget what. Plus I hate the smell. I definitely wouldn’t spray it on my buds. I think you’ll taste it.

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Grabbed some of the Chimera 3 that me and a buddy abandoned because they hermed. The lights were too bright is why they did. Notice the buds are bigger lower down than the top. Thats a sign of too much light. We were running the top fluence spider which your supposed to use co2 with. I told him they needed to be higher… he didn’t listen.He’s the herm king anyhow, he literally has his grows herm every time it seems. He actually has gave up trying to grow now. The pollen wasn’t viable though so there was actually no seeds. The lights were shut off at week 6 and they actually finished nice in the dark. I don’t think I’d recommend it though unless for some head stash. It’s the worst plant I’ve ever grown for health and vigor, and 2 out of 5 were herms, but it’s definitely some dank. Super low yields too. But … I love the high, I smoke it before bed and it doesn’t really make me tired but it makes me super comfortable. My body goes numb almost and me and the bed turn into one unit. It has some really good terps and unique flavors and smells too. They all have some berry, but the one outside had some honeydew melon smell which was a first. I’d say it would be worth growing to breed with but it’s a shitty weak plant. There’s definitely better strains to grow.


I use Peppermint oil instead of Neem. Mix it with garlic water. @Ottafish @Kasper0909


#manymanyspliffs Yeah I still wouldn’t want to smoke that either. I don’t get bugs really, at least pests growing in the big bed I have. The predators eat them. I’ve noticed alfalfa seems to have the predatory mites in it. You might try that depending on what you have. I swear I never get anything unless I bring in an outside clone and then it seemed to happen every time when I grew in pots with salts. I always had the fungus gnats. Now I have none.


Ya they looked pretty clean other than leaf hoppers. Hopefully I don’t have to put my thinking cap on to tight during flower :joy:

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That’s the one I never got… kept getting the name wrong… lol. Hey, trade ya.
Mimosa and the Lemon strain for the Tropical Fuel… and test nuggy… muwahaha.
I just got some gear in from Australia, some different Kushes… always nice to see what’s going on across the oceans… I’ll send some of those also… look for a card soon.


Just wanted to share the garden. I posted the growth of the plants from 2 weeks ago to now the best I could. Well I guess I could do better but it’s bed time and these are what I had in the phone.
Things are really growing explosively. The soil is all organic ammendments I’ve added over the years. I started putting a thick mulch layer of alfalfa down the last few years and that’s what has really made the difference IMO. It has brought in so many worms it’s insaine. We never used to have as many as we do now. I can’t believe the growth in the Hosta’s especially. They’ve never grown like that where they were before, for like 10 years plus. The Sugar Snap
Peas are bigger than they ever have been too. One plant is almost 8’.
My Dahlia’s are just starting to sprout up. I grew one last year and was really impressed with the flowers. So I bought 10 new varieties. That’s how we all get the bug. It’s just fun. Here’s a pic of the Dahlia last year.


Yeah the seeds weren’t very good so I’ve had bad germ rates with the batch I bought. I’m not sure how many I have left. I’m going to cross the SB x TF back to the TF though. So I can bring it back to reg seeds and preserve it.


That’s beautiful Ottafish :ok_hand: the Dahlia is quite the looker :green_heart:


I know huh! I’d been messing around growing some Zinnias the past few years I thought were cool. I have completely abandoned those now. My mom is the flower pro, but I can get into growing some I find extraordinary. I’m more into growing things I can eat.
I really like plants that smell good. I had two Jasmine plants that smell amazing. One can withstand, or usually can handle our winters. We had some really heavy freezing rain that lasted 3-4 days and it killed it. So… I’ll have to get another. Like tomorrow because it’s time. I forgot all about it. That cultivar has a more woody stem and waxy dark leaves. The other Jasmine is more herbaceous with small leaves and a lighter green. It looks more like your typical vine. I believe that’s the one used more in perfume, and other scent products. I originally bought these also because they are what was originally used to make Jasmonate and Jasmonic acid. Which can be used to trigger a plants defense system, to increase thc and such.
Roses are next on the menu. I wanted to go to the Portland rose garden and take clones this spring while no one was there. I didn’t get around to it unfortunately. Last year I went and took pics of the roses and their names so I’d know what I had. But I think I’ll re do that because I wasn’t very thorough.


Garden is looking beautiful mate! looks like paradise :star_struck:


Bro, this garden is always in bloom!!!
I never get tired of admiring it :heart_eyes:
For me to have a garden like this, I think it’ll only happen when I retire…



What a stunning yard!! I have the clover growing too, just snip it every once in a while for mulch.


Sugar belts crosses trimmed up a bit.