Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

The only one I wasnt sure of gender on is male. So front right one leaving the tent.


Stunning garden Everything looks so healthy.


Amazing garden Otta great variety and very tidy too :+1: mine looks like a 70’s porn star needs a trim for sure :grin:

Day 16 or thereabouts, the front velvet lakes turned out to be male. So down to 1 velvet lakes top left corner and 3 fuel dogs. Happy with the vigour they’ve shot up nicely in the last week.

Some pics of the velvet lakes

Tent smells luscious can’t distinguish too much at this stage but the nose knows!


Hey @Ottafish! Here are some of the girls I have going at the moment. Everyone is on about day 9 of flower.

2 Chimera x Sour Bubble

1 POTG x Strawberry Preserve

4 Klingon Kandy x strawberry preserve

And here are my solo cup entries. Purple girl is KKxSP. Green girl is CxSB. Really surprised how well they are doing considering how shot their life has been. They are on about day 50F. The KKxSP smells awesome, like fruit candy goodness.


Remaining 3 sugar belts short one up front is Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts

Two in the back are Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts.
Few days into 12/12

That male Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts was like Gumby, easily manipulated.

Chickens were in awe before they finished devouring it. :rofl:


Looking awesome! Too bad you got a male but oh well. I bet you’ll have a pretty full tent still by the end. Thanks for posting pics! I love looking at everyone’s grows!


Wow those KK crosses look freaking awesome. Especially the purple one. Those are already hella frosty. I can’t wait to see how they turn out.


Nice structure on those! That BV cross really layed out nicely it looks like. You may have to put it in something to even out the canopy huh? I have a runt right now that’s a BBC cross that I really like. It’s super frosty and has nice chunky buds. Mainly I like the looks of it. It leans hard to the Sour Bubble.



This Sugar Belts is starting to look mighty frosty.


Damn…. That’s absolutely beautiful! What kind of terps are you getting? Fantastic job growing them. I love those chunky fat buds. Looks like she’s turning purple kind of too?


She smells a little fuelly at the moment, and she is impressively sticky.


How many days does the Sugar Belts usually go?
Tag has the date of flip on it.


Looks beautiful!!


I usually just go by how plants look. But around 9 weeks I’d say give or take. I like to let plants fully finish. I’d say yours looks about done. I don’t see any red hairs and every calyx looks swelled up. Really I’d say you’d need to play with it and see if the terps are better at a certain point. Or the high is different.


She is at 71 days, and I am not seeing any amber yet, I was just curious what the average run time is.

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I’d say you’re real close. Maybe some of the other people who have run her can chime in in the flowering length. I don’t ever pay a whole lot of attention, except when I grew a GMO that took 13 weeks.
Sounds like you know what to look for. Those buds look amazing huh? Are they purple? Kind of looks like it.


SB x LA. x GTH Arizona Dessert, starting to stretch as days get longer. Not sure what the flowering time is for if you are growing it in Oregon or Northern California but 10 weeks might be a guess. That would let me know when to start adding more light to get them to keep growing till end of July and let them flower. Should get a lot bigger, this is one of my favorite plants as far as morph goes so can’t wait to see what the buds will be like.


I see you have fences. Do outdoor animals go after your plants often where you live? In the past I’ve lost some to animals.


Yes my dog likes to chew the leaves and then throws up? Not sure what is going on there but has been doing it for years so that is a conundrum.


I ran her for 66 days of flower.