Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Hey Mate! Here is the latest pics of the girls.

Chimera x Sour Bubble

POTG x Strawberry Preserve

5 Klingon Kandy x SP

Solo cup girls


She smelled kinda fuelly at chop. We’ll see what I get after I get her jarred and cured a little.


Very dense. Probably the most rock hard buds I have ever grown.


You are a master grower my friend! Good work! I love it!


Which one smells the best to you so far? What kinds of scents are you picking up from them?


Got my first Dahlia blooms of the year starting. I really dig these things.


Sugar belts crosses
@3 weeks 12/12
2 Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts in the back
1 Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts up front.


Those are nice. I tried but failed.

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Damn, @JoeCrowe this is some really cool stuff you’re doing with the mildews. :+1:
I don’t know how I’ve missed these topics before!
I’m digging through them now!


Thanks for the props! I want to make that parasite a thing of the past.


I noticed a couple small pm spots on my squash. Just for shits and giggles I sprayed a little LABs on them and their gone and haven’t came back. I’m not sure if it was something else or just luck or what. But may be of interest to you. Maybe an experiment :man_shrugging: also I’ve had massive pm before on squash and a cannabis plant right next to/ basically surrounded by it and it never got pm, so I can vouch for that.


LABS is on the fail list. There’s like 20 different fail items on the list! I don’t think I could remember them all in one sitting, but here goes:
hydrogen peroxide
dr zymes
Hypochlorous acid
baking soda
Earthworm tea
neem oil
mmm you see why I have trouble listing them all. They have really been tested and failed, I assure you. But! Try it and see. I use a microscope with a video camera to get the results.


Have you ever heard anything about this product?I haven’t tried for powdery mildew but works for all types of bugs. Was developed from an almost mildew proof cannabis strain

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cough cough snake oil. Sorry if that’s offensive! You know 50 cents worth of sulfur eradicates an entire colony? What’s that stuff worth? 69 dollerydoos!!! Crikey!! It’ll fail for sure.


The Labs is supposed to boost its defences towards it from what I read. But who knows. It’s good to know that it doesn’t kill it directly tho as I thought it might.

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Ya I knock on wood haven’t had to deal with it yet with cannabis so I’ll definately take your direction if when I do. Not really worried about it on the squash as much so figured why not. I have it on hand for so many other uses. Also I make it so it doesn’t cost.

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The greenhouse infestation I just finished off was infesting the cucumbers. “someone” brought it in last year on wal mart calla lilies. I would never have guessed that colony would also infest cucumbers and squash. That kind of mildew won’t infest the cannabis. I can list so many different mildew(s) that don’t infest weed, that’s the funny part. It’s like the one that infests weed is really host specific on cannabis only. Not sure, I only have 15 colonies to test.


That’s crazy! Have you found any other host specific mildew for any other plants?

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I got a hunch the sweet clover one is specific. All I can say for sure, is it looks far different from any of the other mildew colonies I can find.

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I bet that whole plant is going to turn purple black. I’d love to see a huge plant of that grown outside to see how it would look when the cold makes the senescence kick in.