Ottafish’s seed giveaway to members, who will grow them and document

Passion Fruit.


That passionfruit is chunking up nicely mate! Day 10 of drying the weather has been spot on for a slow dry, low temps and generally good levels of humidity. These are going to need at least another 4 days so looking like a 14 day dry I’d say, smelling on point nice and dank.


No I can’t remember, I have a bad memory. But
That’s a cross someone made with my sugar belts


Carty gave me the seeds, I was just thinking it was one of yours.


What’s good OG
Hope all is well
Just a quick peek
10/11 sprouted

so far so great :laughing:


Very very delayed update. I couldn’t find the picture of the Super Lemon Haze cross but it didn’t get very big because of all the transplanting and rabbit issues, so you’re not missing much. I had a surprise after the last update and one of the volunteers that came up in the fabric raised bed that I transplanted to the bin turned out to be the Tropical Fuel x Sour Bubble, with the gassy grape skittles smell. Here’s a picture from 10/31:

This plant was pollinated with a red-stemmed Tosh Valley male, from which I got 3 seeds. But that’s skipping ahead in the story. Here’s the plant revegging under lights on 12/10/23:

On 1/22/24, before trimming and deseeding:

The small amount of flower I got from it had a gassy citric grape skittle aroma with some graham cracker and spice notes. Pleasant Trop Cookies type high with the initial Tangie like stimulation before settling down into relaxing.

I got two plants from the cross with the Tosh Valley. So I decided to put the Tropical Fuel x Sour Bubble outside under the hoophouse to attempt to reflower it in the spring. Plant on 4/10/24:

I decided to attempt a second pollination with the lime leaning Verde Limón male. It was unfortunately not successful like the other pollinations with that plant in May. Plant on 5/25/24, inside rabbit proof-fencing. Verde Limón male on left.

After a long reveg and some…unique training strategies, plant on 8/17/24.

I just wanted to take this moment to say thank you to @Ottafish for sending me these seeds and apologize for not keeping up with the updates. Its been a rough year for me and I’ve been struggling to get a lot things done, and this was one of those things that fell by the wayside. I also wanted to ask if I could post some pictures of the best female from the (Tropical Fuel x Sour Bubble) x Tosh Valley seeds. A really nice plant so far that can hold her own with the veg rates of the narrow leaf plants I’m growing in my fabric raised bed…the plant has taken over a whole corner, but I wanted to get your permission first before posting in your thread.


hello! … I think I’m pretty late but you wouldn’t have any Sugar Belts x Nana Glue you’d like to give out would you? I’m a newer grower and I’d love to grow them and show it here :smiley:

yeah i just saw im over a year late LOL I need to learn this website better


Better late than never.
Welcome to the thread.:+1::+1:


Been a very hectic week, only got the plants trimmed a bit and into paper bags before jarring. I’ll put some better pics up later this week. Velvet lakes smelling like dark mulled berry wine. The fuel dogs have developed a lovely gassy note behind the fuel smells.


You actually trimmed them perfectly for drying.

Hint: Leaving the close knit leaf in place to wrap around the buds is how all weed should be dried, not stripping all the leaf off so it dries faster… which I used to do to until I read this:

Leaving the smaller leaf around the bud in place, your protecting your trichome heads from fans and possible evaporation after popping open. your.improving potency and flavor.. thought, makes sense, lets see.

I noticed the difference right away. hopefully you do as well. very nice btw.


Really? Good to know haha totally unintentional though! I do remember Otta mentioning a few months back that he prefers to really dry his plants as the moisture comes back to a degree anyways.

I’m learning all the time, og has been a brilliant source of info and help, the drying/curing stage is something that’s so important to the finished product/flower.


Jarred up the buds today. Velvet lakes x Rainbow belts turned out sweet and sticky with a predominantly port/dark red wine background. Buds have a decent give when lightly squeezed. Just under an oz dried.

I think my density and yields would increase some when I can add additional lighting with lower trimming/scrog to the 100w. Really looks and smells beautiful :ok_hand:

Fuel dog x sour bubble has retained most of the fuel and chem overtones, the loudness has subdued somewhat to a reeky gassy almost I’d say cheesy back end, I’m loving it. Less give on the squeeze than the velvet lakes, def on the denser side. 65 gms dried from 2 in 3 gal pots and 1 in a 2 gal pot.

The outdoor fuel dog x sour bubble ended up with a much sweeter I’d say vanilla ice creamy smell with the fuel back end. Really interesting.

Medium - Katek premium potting mix amended with red soil organics Morpheus compost

Veg - Charlie carp
Sensi Pro All in One

Flower - Top dressed with ewc at 2nd week
Epsom salts once per week
Sensi Pro Rhino K from week 5 twice per week till week 8

Thanks again Otta for providing me the opportunity to grow out your great gear, enjoyed the smoke from last grow and will come back with a smoke report in the near future.


That looks Deelicious



Hello OG
Hope everyone is having a great weekend
Quick update
Looks like the blueberry strain is taking off better than the orange.
All good
As long as I have a female from each strain
I will make it work :+1::+1:


Nice start . They look so lonely and scared in that big oom… :joy::joy:


Some killer dank, good job . Awesome crosses to . your in for a treat


(Sour Bubble x Lemon Alien) x Ghost Train Haze

This is a male I kept to show flowers and pollen structure. Grew quite well here in desert.


If you look at the male the leaves are in tough shape since I hit it with a big dose of florel and it was brutal.

You can see it is starting to throw pistils and if you look on other pic’s something’s buzzing around trying to collect pollen hmm?


Sour Bubble x Lemon Alien) x Ghost Train Haze
Next time they get 1 more month to veg :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Taller one is 6’ they can get big and even bigger


That Fuel Dog is going to be bed time weed lol