🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

Love :heart: the garden @Pigeonman 🪴 with all the pictures! You always got so many interesting things going at one time, I wish I had that kind of time and dedication to keep up with all. I am dedicated to playing my guitars :guitar: and my growing is only for free weed to smoke :dash: and pass around between my small grow group of friends. Always a pleasure to see what you got going! :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thanks @OhNo555 ! My guitar watches me look after my plants while it and all my pedals garher dust lol… i feel ya growmie!

Turns out Alaska fucked up and theres no 5.1.1 on the market for a while so im now gonna run the rest of the season with Neptunes Harvest.


Dude, those tomatoes are impressive!


Thanks! I hope to have enough to make a decent amount of sauce even just for the Mrs. and I for a few meals. I don’t eat raw tomatos, never liked the taste or mouthfeel so everything I grow ends up as a sauce. :ok_hand:



My barrels in the back are empty, and the 150 gallon pond is almost 8" lower than the lip. :man_facepalming:

This means that what water I do have in the front yard will need to be carried into the back to water the ":broccoli: :christmas_tree: 's " as they are using up at min 2 gallons of H20 per day in this heat.

I got outside at 7:45am today while the sun was still behind clouds to give each of the 9 plants 2 gallons water + coconut water + aloe vera puree. By 8:30 when I was done I was soaking wet and miserable… so it’s a double shower day! :rofl:

The humidity has also been stupid high… Like 79-90% RH high… so our AC is trying it’s best but not doing so well and mozzies are fucking rampant! :mosquito: :crazy_face:

All the best everyone, keep hydrated and try not to start any fights!



Hahah. Great advice. This high humidity is miserable. I hate walking out the door and sweating for no reason. It’s that way every summer here , so I should be used to it, but I’m still miserable.

Hope you get some rain soon! Get some of the water in the air back into those barrels. :crossed_fingers: Hope your AC can keep up with this weather. 🫶🏼


Hey all here’s a link to the documentation of 5x film projector performance I pulled off last Friday!



Pretty cool


5500 km to the East, we are facing the same very hot, humid and rainless weather… resist or die! :blush:


The film creates a very personal atmosphere.

Do you project with several projectors at the same time?


2x 16mm with film loopers I built for work (Gallery stuff)
1x 16mm which projected into the disco ball
2x Super 8mm projectors

Next project will prob be 3x 16mm, anamorphic to develop a WALL of MOVING LIGHT. :smiley:


Wow, the result is artistic.
WALL of MOVING LIGHT sounds good!


Fuck. So the rain that was supposed to happen all yesterday barely happened resulting in leaves getting wet but the soil was still dry! :sob:

Looking at the weather predicted for today I’m all:

My barrels are empty.

I took the last of the water from them last night to top off the large pond to make sure that there’s accessible water for the animals that depend on it. It was so low that if anything fell in they may not be able to make it out without the top-off.

This means that I’m lugging water from my basement until a top-off from the Sky Gods. :man_facepalming:

It was already 23c feeling like 30c when I went outside at 7am lugging 2gal of filtered water amended with yucca to help out the ladies with the drought conditions. By the time I was done puttering around it was 7:45 and already 25c and feeling like 33c. :sweat:

Be safe out there folks!


Fucking long day at work, 2x shit commutes due to stupid people, and still no proper rain.

We did get a shower that cooled things down for a little bit and wet the foliage and I’ll take this is something positive at least.


So now I sit and bong after checking up on the plants; here’s my view:

After bong I make dinner so the Mrs gets home to food. :+1:


That is zen brother and looks beautiful !!


You have a beautiful garden and yard! :grinning:
How is Heathcliff doing? :smiley_cat:


Thanks @ThirdStone & @chronix !

Getting fed right now :rofl: :heart_eyes_cat:


Good morning everyone!!

Big hopes that today’s forecast is accurate!!!

Have a wonderful Friday!


same over here too. the gardens are very dry. been a long stretch without soaking rains. my well is also not very happy either. the water table is also getting low and well has slowed down alot. i cannot get anywhere what i need to water the gardens.

been sort of kinda in survival watering mode. droopy plants get first dibs on the well and i have been shuffling the water around like this for too long now.

we need some rain too, badly. maybe we might get some this weekend fingers crossed, but it has only been real light showers that barley wet the plants. it has been going on like this for too long now.

once i relax and loosen up later, i will bust a move and break out my best rain dance for us both :laughing:

hope everyone has a great weekend!.


The plants are loving their lives this sundown knowing they still get their feet wet daily while everything else sucks it up.

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut: (@DannyTerpintine )

Frankenstein: (@JohnnyPotseed )

Alaska Thunderfuck: (@middleman & @Enjoi802)

Coastal Blueberry: (@SHSC-1 )

UK Cheese:

Florida Ditch Weed + :sunflower: 's:

Limed Orange: (@DannyTerpintine )

Frankenstein: (@JohnnyPotseed )

Shiskaberry 3F2: (@SHSC-1 & @PineTarBastard )
