🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

Looking awesome! :grinning:


They look Wild @Pigeonman !
Coastal, could go Postal!


Looks like everything is popping off nice and big. Woot woot. Looking fine and healthy. Keep up the stellar work my friend loving this thread!


Thanks @PineTarBastard , @MissinBissin , & @Enjoi802 !

I’m making their food now one bucket at a time because still no rain so it’s mixing in the basement plant-lab / laundry room then lugging outside to pour. :+1:

@defharo 's systems are really working well as all y’all can see in the images posted yesterday!

Here’s the mix:

16L filtered water
2L Worm Castings + Insect Frass Tea (with molasses)
20ml Hydro SIK (Silica)
60ml Neptune’s Harvest Fish Emulsion (2-4-1)
30ml Humate K (Humics/Fulvics/Trace minerals + potassium)
30ml Humate K + bones (Humics/Fulvics/Trace minerals + potassium + bone meal)
20ml Guanomite (Bat Guano + trace minerals)
10ml cal-mag (Calcium-Magnesium)
5ml Yucca (saponins - wetting agent and additionally helps with drought)
5ml B-52 (B vitamin complex)

As a bonus after mixed when metered it’s all in at 5.7 with no adjustments!

@MissinBissin what does your mix come to PH wise after your initial mix?



Depends on which Humates I’m running @Pigeonman

And there have been no ideal Teas, I’m putting the worm castings aside for Bloom. My Gallon of organic unsulphured Molasses shows up this week, so there will be tweeks !

Humate K in Water only takes a bit of ph +

Any of the Bloom versions, in day-old water H2O. Takes quite a bit of pH down. Plus I’m using a vinegar for the Bloom adjustment acid… so it takes considerably more…


OMG’s I did so much work today.

Removed all discoloured leaves from all 9 “trees”.

Amended all 9 trees with the ridiculous amount of goodies mixed in one bucket.

Amended ALL the potted plants in the yard… there’s like 40+ at this point.

Made another batch of Humate K+

Potted into solo cups 16x rooted cuts for new mothers. (8 strains)

Took another 16 cuts (8x different strains) to root as new mothers.

Cleaned up my lab.

Weeded all raised beds and migrated the largest 1 gallon plants/old mothers to the middle of the yard to flower with the “trees”.

Leaf-blower the patio and “trees”.

Fogged with H0Cl THE ENTIRE YARD; this took 3L of H0Cl which I can do because it’s cheap to generate now.


Now I make dinner!!!

Have a wonderful night folks!


This post of yours is exactly why my plants are babies still compared to your monster plants lol

That would take me all day to Mix and apply.

Awesome job brother @Pigeonman next summer I’ll have to up my outdoor game and see if i can keep up with your wonderful looking forest.


I hope you did not over work your fury side kick, love the cat :cat2: ! :ok_hand::joy::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



good on you! be proud of the accomplishments!.

your beautiful garden shows the love.

i so relate. got me a bit of good work done in the garden today also. . :green_heart:


Thanks @CADMAN ! It’s only 1x a week I have to faff around so much but it’s worth it I swear.

Heathcliff likes to watch rather than work, then eat cat nip, then run around high as fuck :rofl:

@mainerJ thanks bud!


so do you dilute that mix or naw?


What I posted above @noknees is what goes into 18L (2 gallons) of water. This is directly poured into the plants at intervals for a deep soak resulting In a fully saturated root mass.

In the week I “hard water” with a watering can so any excess salts will drain out and add to my soil in a good way with all the organic humics & fulvics.

Everything is loving the hot and humid weather despite the lack of rain. Since i’s humid as fuck I’m now 100% fogging with H0Cl at least 1x a week until further notice.

I found some PM on my patio tomato plants and fogged the shit out of it yesterday. This am 2/3 of the white is literally gone, and what residue that’s left will get another treatment tonight. What is additionally annoying about the heat is the 1 gallon per minute flow rate my filters give me. Never an issue with indoors but using it for high volume outdoors is a mixed bag.

Speaking of the heat…

…my citrus are really popping with the weekly amending with Jack’s for Citrus and the weather.

White Grapefruit:

Calamondin Orange:

Makrut Lime:

Ruby Red Grapefruit:

I leave those dead branches on these citrus trees so there are natural bird perches for the “line-up” to our feeders. This mean’s they shit on the plant and I get free guano amendment. :+1:

My PawPaw trees are actually… well, Trees!. No fruit this year but they’ve double in size this one season versus the 4+ years I’ve had them. :exploding_head:

On to the :broccoli: :christmas_tree: 's!

Florida Ditch Weed: Now nearly 6ft tall. :+1:

Shiskaberry 3F2: A BUSH. It’s reaching outwards with long bush arms.

Sour Diesel: Danny T. Cut: Bush meets a tree; it’s pushing 8ft now.

Frankenstein: I’m seemingly never not in awe with what this plant has to offer. :exploding_head:

Limed Orange: 8 to 9 ft at it’s crown, this was even topped and it’s going nucking futs!

UK Cheese: in all the years I’ve grown this cut I’ve not seen it grow so thick and big and look very forward to seeing how the flowers come in to match this impressive vegetative growth. :ok_hand:

Coastal Blueberry: At least 8ft tall at this point. It’s a dense sweet smelling, exploding bush.

Frankenstein: See above " :exploding_head: " comment.

Alaska Thunderfuck: 8 feet tall, also bushy and noded out.

Since I’ve taken a fuck load of cuts of everything that’s outside to start a fresh set of mother plants I’ve migrated plants from the porch to the beds lifted off the soil by a clean skid.

In here is Jew Gold 1974, Mendo Breath, Limed Orange, Sour Diesel, Green Crack. from what i can remember. They’ll now get more sun to the bloom out.

I can see the every-weekend hash making through the winter I have coming up :rofl:

The patio needed a deep cleaning so I did that as well right after migrating the larger mother plants to the skid in the beds.

Moving the larger plants really opened things up for much better airflow. Super important as the RH% is so high.

This corner is a highway for :raccoon: , :cat: , & :skunk: 's so I can’t block it. They don’t do any damage so I can’t complain.

The Red Hibiscus was covered in blooms yesterday, sadly most were done by this am so we get a little speck of colour.

Talking of colour, soon I can start the tomatoing! :tomato:

I hope y’all are having a fantastic Sunday! Thanks for dropping on by and please come round next update!



WOW! d8JBdDJ Just wow! That tour was grand! :+1: Thank you!

Nice about the PawPaws.


Where is the cat :cat2:? :joy::joy::joy: Garden 🪴 is looking :eyes: very stupendous, can’t say enough about how your efforts real speak :speaking_head: for themselves. I am always happy to see your pictures and go back to the last set to see how much all has progressed. Keep posting them garden 🪴 shots and don’t forget the cat :cat2:! :joy::joy::joy::ok_hand::facepunch::wink::clap::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Wow that’s a lot of plants. Do you have a plant count limit or just don’t really care? Keep the big ones obvious but the smaller one snuck into other vegetation! Looks outmotherfuckingstanding!


Looking really nice! The shades of green are beautiful! :grinning::clap::+1:


Thanks @mota , @OhNo555 , @420noob , & @Crawfish !

Yes and I’m at the very edge.



It’s pouring right now! :joy:


2 of 5 barrels are full! :heart:
2 of 5 are 1/3 full
1 is empty but will fill once the barrel it’s connected to fills up!

:boxing_glove: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :non-potable_water:


We are still hoping for some significant rain :cloud_with_rain: on the east coast in MD. Glad you got some buddy! :relaxed::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: