Be watching the sugar leaves in the buds. If they are dead and pull out easily there is a problem. Pull the thickest buds apart and look in. As long as there is good green sugar leaves and no necrosis around, the buds are usually ok. About the time the pistils start to yellow and shrivel, they are most susceptible. I consider them finished around 10 days after the pistils are gone. GL
Thank you, ill take some upclose photos tomorrow & tear apart one of the buds.
I Just gently crack them to see inside. No need to break them up. You are looking for green only,white or black or gray is bad news.
Lot’s of anxiety in the house about outside the house…
That massive span of clouds is both heading my way and moving painfully slowly…
So I have 2 days of wet predicted; today is a slow burn and tomorrow may become intense with .
All I can do right now is monitor in the AM, after work with a flashlight in the PM, and then if it’s not raining I can fog with H0Cl but that may not fully penetrate the deep parts of the buds. I may actually pump spray the Shiskaberry so there’s deeper penetration of those pop-can colas.
680 says it will start this evening, with some areas getting up to 50mm.
I smell Finger Hash lol @Hashpants
I was digging around in a few Acapulco blossoms last nite and managed to Unglue my Fingers, right into a perfect doobie
I admit, it was a Victory dance bro !!
Yep. Sounds about right for 2024.
Good Luck Gang with this weeks weather !
I thought when growing outside we just waited for the season to end… Im guessing its more like inside and ill have to watch the tricombs.
Im ready for the rain
All outdoor plants are covered
@Hashpants fuck that doesnt look good.
If anything i serve well as a cautionary tale.
I checked my plants, all green inside. But i moved them under the gazebo to stay out of the rain for the next few days. The leaves are very yellow and falling off. End is near. Still stinks, sticky & has tricombs. Do i dare cut them down?
I didn’t like what I saw after getting home at 7:00pm so I ended up doing a lot of work in the dark while it was raining. FML I hope I don’t catch a chill but I can’t emotionally deal with failure right now I’m too stressed out and at the point of resigning from my workplace where I started and been around since 2006.
Toxic workplaces are still toxic, and getting yelled at by my boss for speaking up about interpersonal conflict resulting which is years in the making and additionally has had 3 other co-workers leave in as many years has me finally saying fuck it i’m worth more than how I’m being treated right now.
Issue is I’m not going anywhere until I know I have income and the city is so shit for work right now I’m fucking trapped and resolved to cry on route to work only to clean myself up in the bathroom once I get there.
I was born to suffer so this is just normal at this point.
Here is what’s left of the Shiskaberry 3F2…
The buds were so wet I could squeeze water out so I made an espresso, drank it killing my ability to sleep tonight but I got the work done without injury. (I also have no eaten yet today, been up since 6:30am and I’m typing this out at 9:48pm.)
The washing area; the bin was full after trimming with the deathfan. I left the buckets to rinse tomorrow am and I use the old dog crate to support the washed branches to drip out as much water before hanging.
Here’s where I plugged in the deathfan and embraced the suck with the rain coming down on my back but not the fan.
I lucked out and found a second drying rack at Value VIllage of all places so I hung that up in my 4x4 and then took all the “dried” Frankenstein out of the garage to get crunchy in the tent because I need the space for the Shisk tonight.
A second shot because i was soaking wet and my phone is waterproof but it’s not helping with taking photos.
Now I go shower to try and warm up more, heat up A&W i bought on my way home having a feeling I wont be able to cook us dinner and then I’m going to bong after bong until I no longer feel like I’m going to cry myself to sleep due to stress. (I already did that last night and it wasn’t helpful.)
Take care of yourselves folks or you’ll just end up miserable and questioning why you are even still around like me.
hang in there man. Maybe a new oportunity is right around the corner, ya never know.
Toxic workplaces suck. My wife has been dealing with that all year and finally had enough. She just went casual , giving up her full time line and took a contract with an agency that does out of town contracts. So she is going for 5 months for big pay which will be worth it for us but not ideal because she will be gone for 5 months. I say anything to get her away from the toxic environment that has plagued her workplace because of one mentally ill coworker and a manager that is brain dead.
It’s a 7hour drive each way to go visit her so I guess I’ll have to do that from time to time.
man those Shishka flowers are fat!!!
Hopefully the rest of your harvest is okay from the rain.
Well extra fuck.
This is the BIG Frankenstein…
So I’m going into late for work today as this is the prediction for tonight:
I can and as last night proved WILL crop in the rain… but not in so I needed to crop this ASAP or risk loosing even more.
The bucket wash is so needed check out what was on the plant which was removed by washing.
Bucket 1, H202 + water (around 1% h202 solution):
Bucket 2, Lemon juice + baking soda:
Bucket 3, water wash 1:
Bucket 4, water wash 2:
I’m fucking blessed to have found that second hanging net rack earlier in the year as the shikaberry needed to move downstairs so it’s in rack 2 next to rack 1 in my 4x4 giving me garage room for this Frankie.
I bought 29% H202 YESTERDAY and already I’m almost out as they only had 1L left in the store. I’m hitting up a different store on my way to work right now to grab 1 gallon so I have the 375ml of 29% i need per plant to wash appropriately.
There’s 9 more plants to go so I better stock up before other people buy it and i’m fucked.
All the best everyone, here’s to another struggle of a day.
Sorry to hear of it, buddy. Im in the same boat. Im hoping that my seed limbs make it to October, but it looks impossible on the forecast for anything to finish.
Looks like the rain will miss us