Outdoor bug control! spinosad vs BT vs systemic vs foliar spay?

I don’t know what all the things are that you listed. I’ve used this mix for a few years now and my plants seem to do okay with it.

Azamax or Neem
-Azamax is concentrated active ingredient derived from neem.

Monterey BT for caterpillars.

Southern AG Garden Friendly Fungicide for mildew control.

Monterey garden insect spray with spinosad
-this is an indiscriminate bug killer, so be warned that it will kill good bugs like spiders, praying mantis, wheel bugs, lady bugs, etc in addition to bad bugs. It also kills bees, which is of course bad. Bees go back to the hive after dark, like end of twilight. If you include this in your mix, don’t apply it until bees are gone. Spinosad is effective while it’s wet and the bug gets wet with it, or ingests it. By the next morning after application, it’s not going to kill the bees.

Read this post from my garden thread