Outdoor bug control! spinosad vs BT vs systemic vs foliar spay?


Have you ever ran insect netting over the girls? Maybe netting them would help?

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No, I don’t use insect net, but I bet it helps.

BMS BX1 :slight_smile:


nice picture

I use Peppermint Oil (essential oil), mixed with water. Has anyone tried that before?

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Do you breed cbd strains?

That’s cool, sir. I’m updating this race in my diary, if you’re curious! Big day everyone from OG

It also depends where you live. I tried organic gardening in the city, and it was impossible without pesticides because the biota mix is all messed up with neighbors and the city using pesticides.

Where I live now is extremely rural. When I moved here 20 years ago I had problems with aphids, but after a couple of years without using pesticides everything seems to have balanced out. I saw some aphids last summer, but no colonies until I brought a plant inside where the predators couldn’t get to it.

Ok, I can’t garden outside because of gophers. Forgot about that. :poop:

Man, you got the flipping gophers to! If it’s not the deer it’s the moles or gophers. How the hell did the older folks even grow anything outside to eat? I’ve caught a few of the gophers in traps but from what I understand it’s just a management game as you can’t really get rid of them. Others seem to dig down and put down hardware wire or chicken wire so they can’t tunnel up into the garden.

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I foliar spray my outdoor veggies in the sun depending on what it is, aswell as my cannabis without turning my LEDs down.
I haven’t had any issues with any rooted leaf products, hyshield chitosan, or photosynthesis +, although I wonder about the hot sun roasting some of the bacteria before they’re able to be effective, but on the other hand more absorption happens through stomata on the underside of the leaf.
Sprayed my veggies at around noon today because I couldn’t get to it earlier :man_shrugging:

I have not tried it but there are supposed to be several essential oils that are effective, including rosemary, thyme and a few other. They are supposed to be both insecticide and fungicides, I guess neem is just an essential oil so it makes sense as they are probably made by the plant for that purpose. A simple and effective treatment of spider mites, scale and aphids is to use 3 ml of olive oil, a few drops of soap and 500ml of water. It is surprisingly lethal of spider mites especially.
I use light olive oil as it’s not as strong smelling, and I don’t use it in flower because I figured it would make the smoke weird, but it’s as good as anything I’ve tried in veg.

This^ I definitely learned this the hard way. Also if you are going to use something like lime sulphur or wet able sulfur which I find effective against difficult mites like russet and broad mites, you need to not use any oil based products for several weeks as it will also severely burn the plant. I.e. neem, white oil or other emulsions.


Me too. Ugh! :rofl:


I have a few tricks for trees, but it’s containers for everything else.

I have a theory that fences protect them from predators, and that without a fence I might not have too many of them.

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Found this link from a rollitup member. Seems spinosad isn’t really a toxic concern for mammals but rather bees as mentioned. Anyways has lot of other pesticides listed for reading.


I have only used a mix of garlic, cigarette buts and hot pepper flakes. It will kill damn near anything. I think it washes off in the rain. I have never had any problems but I will smoke anything. :joy:

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I use JMS stylet oil outdoors. I’m an outdoor grower in Michigan We also raise bees.
Hear some info…

According to the American Mushroom Institute, JMS Stylet-Oil is non-toxic to bees when used as directed. JMS Stylet-Oil is a white mineral oil that can be used as a fungicide, insecticide, and miticide for crop disease control. It’s colorless, odorless, and tasteless, and has minimal risk of phytotoxicity. JMS Stylet-Oil is safe for beneficial insects, but you should avoid direct contact with honeybees, ladybugs, or other non-target insects. You can spray the oil during the day when bees or beneficial insects are not actively foraging. You should also test the oil in a small area before treating other areas.


I see your running 16 plants which is the scientific mathematic number which is supposed to allow a chance for all phenotypes. Do you have a science background? Or is this just coincidence?


Welcome to OG, @MadSharkGenetix! Pot leaf hopper You may want to consider introducing yourself

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It’s a coincidence. I received 17 in the package and was successful with 16. I was actually expecting a good chance in the number of plants, but just an enthusiastic guess. Is there somewhere I could read about this? Welcome to OG.


I was listening to podcast with a horticulture expert talking about it… And thats awesome…!!! Who sells seed packs of 17?

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