Things are going GREAT outside! The plants are very pleased with their bedding mix and it’s starting to show with their gains.
Today I use my “Majestic-as-Fuck” salad fork to till the upper layer of all the fabric pots. I do this weekly to ensure proper water penetration to avoid dry pockets. It also aerates this top layer and I only go deep enough as to avoid disturbing the surface rootlets too much if at all.
Additionally each plant got a little bit more love from me in the form of pellet top dressing! This was added around the base of each plant and then ended up getting tilled into the soil when I used said “Majestic-as-Fuck” salad fork to break-up the surface of each pot.
The photoperiod plants are bushing out and starting to stretch with the UK Cheese being the most blatant in this department. The Manitoba Poison is also doing as well but tossing on more of a “shaggy” vegetive growth versus the reaching for the sun of its sister from another mister.
Other than the top-dressing given today, due to the high nutrient content of their bedding mix I’ve only been giving them filtered water… and I am only using filtered water for now as there has not been enough rain to be able sustainably water them for free .
A friend is gifting me 2x more 55gallon water barrels later today so I HOPE TO HAVE A SURPLUS OF FREE WATER IN THE MONTHS TO COME
My decision to top-dress them today is primarily due to the notable difference in this particular UK Cheese clone from all the other’s I’ve grown before… and this difference started after the second application of BudBusterPro.
So as Bob suggested in his detailed paperwork:
“*When utilizing the BBP program, you should expect greater than normal nutrient demand, usually occurring from about mid veg through flower. Growers usually report *30-50% more nutes are necessary to maintain healthy plant colour.”
AND AS EXPECTED from Bob this is SPOT ON. With my indoor plants I am treating with BBP I increased the feed rate and their colours returned.
Ultimatly I’m excited but also well aware I’m putting myself into a situation were i’ll probably have a series of the most-brutal trim jail sessions come this fall due to all this…
…ANYWAYS, back to the plants here is a wide shot of the photo period ladies.
Here is the Manitoba Poison:
The green coated metal posts are 6ft tall for size reference and are pushed into the soil to the base of the fabric pot.
And the infamous UK Cheese:
Vegging this clone from November of 2021 was a great idea lol. @Cannasaurusrex I hope your’s is both doing as well and also helping you with your healing heart.
Up next are the Auto Fems; all THC producers except for the 1x CBD producer. They also got a smaller dose of the top dressing and the same “Majestic-as-Fuck” salad fork treatment.
The cardboard is working very well keeping all the weeds down but I still need to take some time to pluck around the edges as they try their best lol.
Now for the close-ups where we can see the nodes stacking away in their 5 gallon fabric pots.
Creme de la Chem:
Dosi Walker:
Earth Lover CBD:
Fog Dog:
Gorilla Glue #4:
Man Bear Alien Pig:
Strawberry Shortcrack:
Trizzler F2:
Thanks for checking in! I’ll be tossing up more photo’s of other parts of the garden later on today when I update my indoors thread.
All the best to you, yours and your grows!!!