🕊 - Outdoor Growing Adventures With Your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman - 2021/2022

OH WOW the trichomes are now developing GRAINY! :open_mouth:

It’s the first time in weeks that I saw some PM during this AM’s inspection and watering so just as the light outside faded I misted her down with water + potassium bicarbonate + 3% h202.

Afterwards I took flash photo’s and HOT DAMN!



Looking pretty impressive man I hope it stays good till the finish for you :+1:


Serious monster way to grow :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :rofl:

Thanks :blush:


:uk: :cheese: Update!

Not much to say, it’s the finish-line coming up this weekend.

Today is the second application of Florakleen and prob the last time I water her. It’s been a great run and only needed 2x PM prevention sprays with little to no issues presented. :+1:


Trim jail on Saturday will be John Carpenter’s Halloween + it’s sequels until I’m done. :+1:

:heart: :hugs: :heart:


Hash hash hash! And hash!



Not my scene. :+1:


Looking good man! Gotta try that Cheeeeese… there may have to be a trade in our future :+1:t3:


I tied some extra loops around the UK Cheese last night in the dark as the sun is gone when I’m only 1/2 way on my ride home these days.

This is my view doing this:

It was supposed to be heavy-winds with thunderstorms and I was asleep(ish) so it may have happened but checking on it this am when going out to the garden to get leafy greens for the house lizard’s daily salad the :uk: :cheese: was bend all over the place laden with water from the steady rain that was coming down on me as I walked out there stoically in only a bathrobe.

The wire-wraps are holding but the rain is scheduled to go all day with some wind and no rest until it’s already dark so the :sun_with_face: ain’t gonna help me today… BUT at least I know that it’s only gonna deal with this horror-show today and tomorrow and then with the aid of John Carpenter in the background it’ll be in a bin and getting cropped in our plant-room (this is what we call the living room in the winter as it’s where most of my tropical plants go)


@NorthNorthNugs you just let me know when you’re ready and you got a 100% got this in your garden.

Now for the both of us with the rain right now: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Holy moly. Brother can you spare a bean? I gotta try this.


Photo of Pigeonman and two buddies taking pictures of his awesome plants


Photos of Pigeonman getting ready to harvest the UK cheese :uk: :cheese:

Bulking up for the winter :joy:


ROFLMAO!!! Nice.


OMFG(S) @Oldtimerunderground :rofl:



That’s a tub full! My wrists hurt already thinking about that trim session.



:arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down:

So… how many “Halloween” movies did it take for me to crop, trim, & wash the :uk: :cheese: ???

SEVEN. 7 movies about childhood trauma slashing it’s way through life wearing a William Shatner mask painted white.

By the end I had almost gone through the entire original run of movies leaving only one left:

It was brutal; the plant was very healthy and thusly leafy-as-FUCK so the wet trim was as much of a slasher-fest as the movies playing in the background. I lost count of espresso shots, bong hits and intermittent stretching but it all worked out very poetically. The moment the credits hit for Halloween: H20 I was hanging up the last branch in the bathroom finishing up the wash! :joy: :heart:

The final movie will be watched when I test the flower by rolling up a thumb sized joint and power-huffing this beast like an overworked piece of Victorian era machinery. The only reason I’m watching it is for the nonsense fight scene with Busta Rhymes & for a sense of closure. :rofl:

The last shots of it outdoors taken at sunrise.

I cropped it so early because of the weather forecast and oh was I glad that I did. 45 minutes later it got darker and then it was a downpour for an hour before letting up. That would have sucked.

This plant somehow got even prettier than it was a week ago :rofl: :star_struck: .

And then the deed was done and it was a plant no more.



All the tools and weapons put together to make this happen.

:axe: :scissors: :wilted_flower: :fist: :crazy_face: I AM TRIUMPHANT!!! :axe: :scissors: :wilted_flower: :fist: :crazy_face:

Now for the wash; which only took 1 movie to do. :rofl:

Here’s everything hung up to drip dry.

Bleary eyed I took some bad macro shots to see the sparkle as they hung dripping.

Then I went and ate dinner and then passed out after few silly shows to eye-wash out all the day’s murder. This morning it was all read to put downstairs in the drying rack and I am very pleased with the results of my efforts. :grin: :+1:

This was a mathematical fuck-tonne of work and i’m still tired. As many have said: there’s a reason we all call this farming and not shopping. :rofl:

Thanks for stopping on by! It’s all gonna be indoors from here on until May 2023 as it’ll be snowing soon and plants don’t like that white shit. I’ll update still later on with the tally and cure smoke report from Mrs. Pigeon. :rofl:

:heart: :metal: :heart:


Nice work Pigeonman. I just don’t have it in me to trim that long anymore…


It only took the time to watch 1 movie in the background to de-stem all the flower, weight it out, seal it in Grove bags and then sweep up the terps into a jam jar from the trimming tray. :+1:

That movie this time round was:

It was great! They totally don’t hide behind the nonsense which is why a fire-farting due to methane biochemistry flying Graboid variant get’s named an “Assblaster!” :rofl:

Everything off the drying rack in the darkroom photo tray waiting for the clip treatment.

One movie later!

In the weighing bowl.

And the judgment of the scale. Started at 0.00 after taring with the bowl balanced on it.

It’s a bugger to read but it says: 391 grams and a quick ask of Google later…

I’m very good with this from 1x plant! Laster year my biggest haul was .75 of a lb from 1x plant so i’m growing-up which is both more work and a good thing! :rofl: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :metal:

The largest bag is rated for 1/2 lb and the smaller bag is rated for 1/4 lb. Having a little bit over 3/4 of flower I just added a little more per bag and there’s still a decent amount of room in both. I won’t need this for a while so I sealed up the bags with my heat sealer and look forward to seeing how this all cures over the next few months! :smiley:

Thanks for checking in!

Most likely the next update in this thread will be a smoke report with the missus watching “Halloween: Resurrection” after we crack-open the smaller bag and smoke ourselves stupid. :ok_hand:



Can i qsk how the smoke was from your manitoba poison? Sorry if you mentioned it, but i missed.

Excellent farming this year pigeon, cant wait for kext year