Outdoor organic hydro

Just little photo dump of my stink juice plants.

Jalapenos! Mmmm they look super market ready like I bought 'em!

Plants are huge!

Tomatoes have gone stupid size. The plant juice seems to work really well. Some of the plants I fucked around with, didn’t seem to like it as much.
Fucking around includes 4 undiluted buckets of plant juice in a row.


And a GREAT new desktop pattern faintly resembling astronomy! :joy:



Just showcasing a few vegetables! Butternut squash and white beets.


That one male plant is the dumpmaster.


Ok! Taught me a lesson. I cut off a single calyx and it got bloody! That means it’s a GMO cross! So this one must be GMOxGOG. Wild!


Huge ass Jalapeno. The plant juice works really good on the peppers for some reason.

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I was wandering through the greenhouse looking for plants to water. mmm that floral smell…must be weed. Sniffed the automania…hmmmm… sniff the big bud woah! heh heh. That plant stinks like flowers when I grow it in living soils or in hydroponics.


Dude how have i missed that you have a dog!
Is he top secret or have you posted him before?


I really like the work you do, and dig your greenhouse.
Has it been a weird year for tomatoes where you are? I’m another Canuck, southern Alberta. And my some of mine had the sides burst. But it was the hottest summer on record.


Back on July first he was hunting a pouch rat in the rhubarb! You can see him sticking out there.

They are huge this year! Inside the greenhouse. It’s been fairly hot, but no crazy heat wave this year! Very few brown spots from lack of watering. Only on the plant that I was testing to see if I could cause the brown spot. Some of the early tomatoes split, but none of the regular “big beef” or “primo” varieties. Those were tested as being the most resilient. We did a test planting of all these different varieties to see how they performed. Same with the potatoes and etc carrots. Kohlrabi. so on.

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Thanks, I can attest some didn’t get watered as much and they were in 3 gallon black pots. I got some used cattle mineral tubs from a rancher, and the tomatoes in there did much better. Thanks, Ronzo


Well, I messed up outdoor this year. Didn’t spray sulfur at all. Saw Septoria come crawling in a couple weeks ago. Now yesterday I have the very beginning of PM taking hold…after 2-3 weeks of no rain. That shit just doesn’t care! In the new greenhouse as well. No septoria in there but PM is showing its face.


mildew on which plants?

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Outdoor plants in my garden. These big boys

And the ones in my greenhouse


When was the last time you grew infested plants in that area? Can I get a good look at it? when did you notice it? Like got some kind of date? heh heh

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Had no PM last year on cannabis with the sulfur sprays. Got it very late last year on some squash and pumpkins that had been sprayed. This year I have some PM on birdhouse gourd vines. Last PM infested cannabis was 2022. Noticed it this year 2 days ago. Sep 17th. Have been eyeing those plants daily and they’ve been clean. Noticed it immediately 2 days ago. Not bad yet but its PM. I’ll get you some shots shortly but…I know what im looking at haha. They are clones that I havent ran outdoor yet, but they were sprayed heavily before they were put out. And I ran clones of the same plants indoor my last tent run and they had absolutely no problems other than thrips. Otherwise no new material came in that hasn’t been sprayed other than new seed plants popped this year.


Just trying to include as much info as I can. I know you keep an ongoing everchanging mental log of this shit haha.

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Thank you! Love the details!!!


I was out in the garden watering and I saw this thing flapping around in the air. Bat! Damn! I got the hell out of there, to wait until it’s gone. No chance on the damned rabies for me thanks. 11 injections in the arm to survive? No thanks! Nooooo way! The bat was flying around during the day time, that’s a good thing to stay away from.
I’ll get some photos once the camera recharges and the bat flies away.