Overgrow.com rises from the ashes!

We have tried our best to have it “resemble” old fashioned colour spectrum. If you have any historical graphics or screenshots, I’d love to see it - please post anything from oldschool OG you might have! Thx in advance!

Thank you very much for your support, I really appreciate it!


Hi zem, welcome to OG!

If you please could do some searching at random in our GrowFAQ (there is search box in it) to compare your FAQ archive with ours, and see if we are missing anything you might have, it would be very helpful!

Also be sure to just post “Hi” in this thread to get that fine “Oldschool Member” user title :slight_smile:


Hi LJ, I will give you the link to the entire old faq, i even downloaded it as backup, but i still use the link for easier navigation. I think that I did post “Hi” in here, anyway.
There is the link https://drugs-forum.com/growfaq/GrowFAQ%20Basic%20Topics.htm
I feel like it is in good hands now :smiley: cheers


Hope I can use this site to get better at growing as I could use much improvement.


Cool, glad to see OG back… its going to take a while to reconstruct, and many OG refugees have made homes in other places, but its cool to know its back.


Thanks zem, I’ll check it out if we are missing something…

UncleBuck, welcome to OG!

Thanks for support and welcome! Yes, it was real exodus, great growers spreading all over the internet! But times have changed since and many old sites are shattered. I think we have much to offer and much more coming in our development lab!

Thank you for suggestions! I know what you mean … our graphics artist is currently working on the logo rework… We’ve also got new smilies ready for deployment :slight_smile: … Stay tuned… :tv:

Color palette I think is right now tuned according to 2006 Edge forums, it is not purely white so it is better readable and doesn’t tire eyes…

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I don’t know if this is any help, but these guys claim to have the old strain guide:
They have a few other items as well I notice, like the growFAQ.
Maybe have an archive section and put that info in there in case that site goes down?

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Hi Everyone!

Glad to see the old OG site rise from the ashes. Such an incredible site at the time and what a great community to be a part of. Had so many great times from there and met a lot of cool cats throughout it’s run. Looking forward to checking out this site and sharing some knowledge and stories with everyone.

Some things from back in the day that came to mind as I was writing this. Those that were there probably remember some of these things…

The Karma System. Remember the little green dots or if you were a member there long enough or with great threads/posts… that LONG green line. Then of course… the “Karma Bandit” came onto the scene and would hit people and take away 10-15 Karma points per swipe. lol That was a huge controversy at the time I recall. Does anyone remember who the Karma Bandit was? Correct guess gets a “K-bump” from me. Hahahaha

Where’s ~S~? At one point, our leader ~Shabang went MIA for quite awhile. Can’t recall if he ever resurfaced or not?

That crazy Russian cash cropper who would grow under 50,000 watts of HPS power in a HUGE warehouse in Russia somewhere. A friend of mine from the site actually befriended him on OG and went there to visit him. Wound up staying for a month and not only got to meet the man, but also see the OP and even work there for a couple of weeks when he was there. He was put in the “Trim room” with a bunch of Russians and work a few hours a day. There’s more to that story but I’ll leave the just out for the time being.

And of course all the characters from the site which made OG such a special place. Some of the members and friends that come to mind that some of you may recall: Dowzer, Smoothy, JEAST, BOG, Rez, Old Pink, Kryptonite, Biglove, and many, many others.



we had a TOG site after the original OG went down…it was nice to keep in touch with OP, RC, Krypto, and the others…we had that site going for years…it’s been a long time shocks…


Hi Shocks!

Thanks for your support. Yes, OG was great for make new friends from all around the globe. Basically everyone who was part of the scene at the time was registered member :slight_smile:

I too remember group of my friends visiting Reaper somewhere in Switzerland for “trimming holidays” :smiley: . (Was it really holidays ? :fearful:, eat, smoke & trim - that required some tolerance to work in massively stinking area).

I’d too like to get in touch with ~s~. He is very creative guy, talented designer and programmer. I’d be interested to know what he has been up to since OG fall. Unfortunately, I have lost all the email addys from this period, maybe he will contact us someday :). He was famous at disappearing for long time periods.

Yes, Karma System although controversial (creating I’m better than you effect) I think served very well to canna community. It allows beginners to navigate more easily through often contradictory advises. It was the first thing I started working on for this version of OG. But I don’t remember Karma Bandit …

I wonder if we could start “Oldschool Stories” topic for storytellers here to remind some of us who don’t have memory so long :slight_smile:

Hi boo!,
TOG stands for The OverGrow? :smiley: Demise of OG was really true growers exodus :slight_smile: .

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Glad to see og back. You can trim us but we’ll never die. My two cents: Don’t bring the karma back, it just creates cliqs and popularity contest, I hated it and my karma was good. It’s pointless, lets let our content be our karma.


FWIW. I was on the original OG, and I too saw problems in that system. I had plenty of “Karma” but I disabled it. and I ran the black square.

I’m not here for status or to impress anybody. I’m here to learn or share experiences.


Its good to be back kinda piss the old fashioned V bulletin look and feel, not having the list of forums is kinda a pain, especially since v bulletin look feel and navigation is pretty standard. Nietzsche Plant Abuse is still around on the net.


I also notice MyNameStitch grow FAQ is also mostly the old Nietzsche Plant Abuse.


Hi Nietzsche!

vB was revolutionary at 2000-4, but their dev team has disintegrated over time (also acquision by Internet Brands Inc. didn’t help to get on the course) and their new versions kind of sucked… vB can’t give you currently good (and near-app) user experience on modern tablets and phones. It is yesterday’s technology :relieved:

I hope that Discourse we are using can make a difference today same way as vB did in 2000.

We still got /categories but not so prominent :slight_smile: We may switch to it, currently I think /latest serves us well.


I’m shocked! Been over 10years! Like seeing a long time ex. Good memories, bitter end. I compared my old OG FAQ to yours and it looks good. Actually better😍. I will pour into this one more time, but I truly hope site owners and admin treat this site and users with care. Please Stay true to the community.
Having said that; thank you, thank you, thank you!
And I agree with the other comments on this thread…I didn’t like previous karma system.



I remember those “holidays” back in 2004! I know the conditions were not the best, but at least you could smoke all you wanted! How is CZ?

Old photo - circa 2004