Overgrow Recipe Page: Post your Medible Pics and Recipies Here!

:slight_smile: + 19 Characters!!!

For health reasons it might be advantageous to not de-carb so you can ingest more. Anti-cancer and Parkinsons treatment for example.



IĀ“m out of likesā€¦


Gotta check out the differences between CBD & THC when it comes to buzz too.

Iā€™ll give him one of my Likes for you Mr Scientist sir.

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Yes bro, thanksā€¦ I dunno what to tell youā€¦ HAHAHA!

I DIG THIS COMMENT! Out of likes!

You are always low on likes dude.

This is a good thing.

We are all supposed to have the same amountā€¦ :sunglasses:

We do man, we do! + enough characters

lol i love the recip shaker. sawzalls for the win

chocolates recipe @hewhocoruptz

Nice, very well done post and recipe. Thanks

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Thank you.

It is long winded, but now that the finished kief is out there, I can reefer (hehe) back to it!


You mentioned above you have a tumbler, is that how you extract?

I refrigerate everything but the actual saw. The actual extraction takes less than 30 seconds on the very lowest possible setting. Up to 1.5 oz in the jar before extraction.

  1. 7 grams of ground up flower(budz)
  2. Decarb in the oven @240f for 50 mins
  3. Combine water, one stick of butter, and decarbed flower in crockpot on low for 8-10 hours
  4. Strain through cheesecloth into a dish and refrigerate over night
  5. Follow instructions on the box


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Instructions on the box plus your special ingredients, right?

Yeah, the box calls for one stick of butter aka special sauce

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Sorry, the material in the dish is already free of the plant material.

Got it. I over-complicate.

And so, this butter recipe leaves you with butter that is for baking, pound for pound? (as it were).