Overgrow Thailand

Haa, haa, haa! :rofl:

I don’t expect CNN to be calling me to be a talking head for their South East Asian political discussions any time soon, but I DO seem to remember saying that it was “GO” time in Tland about 9 months ago because there’d likely be no legislation passed until after the next election! :joy:



Either the military has gotten into the game (quite likely!) or it’s a reference to pilots getting the highest!



@Tlander you ever heared about Thaipan 2.0? Pure Thai landrace with autoflowering. Was ever see that “phenomen” ?

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Yo @zavorotnuck ! No, I haven’t heard of it. Any idea ‘where’ it’s from? I’d find it very odd to have a Thai landrace that autoflowered naturally (Without somebody using C. ruderalus to bring on the autoflowering). On the other hand, it could also be that it’s just a matter of ‘timing’! I put in some autoflowers 90 days ago and they are 3+ meters tall and budded out fully already.

But I have also been putting in a lot of non-autos since November and have been continuously harvesting 2-3 month-old plants for the last 4 months!

I’m interested to hear more!



Out of stock and no information, logically small plant have small chance to alive beside of huge plants, i think it was marketing trick.


Yes, “Truth” and “Marketing” can be very far apart in Asia! :rofl:


@Tlander - any recommendations for good herb on Koh Phangan ?


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Hi @royal ! Unfortunately, no! I haven’t been back in about 25 years now, so pretty out-of-touch over there! Good luck though!


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KD Koh Tao - huge thank-you to @tlander and @GMan

This is my favorite plant so far, it has a completely purple/red stem and all the other plants have a lime green stem. I don’t know what it is about genetically purple stemmed plants but they always seem to bring the most calming, relaxing, anti-anxiety feeling for me. Can’t wait to try this one from KD… :relaxed: :call_me_hand: :peace_symbol:


So a friend went to thailand a few months ago and sent them to find KD on Koh Tao and I got KD’s seeds !!!

A little slice of heaven :wink:


That’s GREAT @greenbeans506 ! Really stoked you got at least one of those! There seemed to be a fair amount of variation in the KD KT’s that I grew out myself. I hope I’m around to see it flower out! Buds got quite thick for a Sativa, but still open enough to allow good airflow through them. Keep an eye out for ants bringing both aphids and/or mealy bugs. Good luck and thanks for posting this!



Very cool, thanks for those pics and advice @Tlander ! I am going to be bringing them inside to finish up since I don’t think they’ll like the snow here in Canada :laughing:

I will keep you posted here with updates as she flowers out :relaxed::call_me_hand::peace_symbol:


Whats 'bout you islanders!
Wanna join in?



Same thing. Come on friends!


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From today’s Bangkok Post;


Sadly, I think this war will never end. We are still fighting in my state also. I hope we all win in the end.

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There’s more talk about cannabis than ever before, as a collective we’re in a transition period and this is a very important year.
So stay positive, how you feel matters!
Your optimism matters!
Your enthousiasm about a better future matters and is exactly what influences both our individual and collective direction!


Well, I have a friend who’s in Thailand this week (May 10th 2024) and she sent me this photo.
She got 50% off price.

Looks pretty legal to me, or they REALLY don’t care that it’s illegal.
I appreciate both scenarios. :grin: :green_heart: :sparkles:


Some more photo’s she sent me: