Overgrowing the space - advice on excess management?

Hello Hive Mind,


I have overgrown my space. Flipped when I would have with HID, but new LED just filled the whole damn thing with canopy and now I’m in a spot…

The bushes are dense, trellised, and under automatic drip irrigation.

I cannot reach behind the first row of plants and pluck well.

I cannot remove trellis without destroying it.

Every time I try to pluck something “deep” I end up snapping tops inadvertently.

Should I take everything apart, defoliate and remove suckers, then reinstall without trellis (this will probably take me half a day and a big mess)


Do my best to pluck at it and cross my fingers in terms of air circulation, mold, and popcorn

I think I know the answer, but need a kick in the ass
Here are some pics


I’m lazy and would go with option 2.


How about one of these doo-dads !


Just my hive brained thoughts…
At week 3 a good strip down would allow bigger development of top sections.
The trellis should be removed if in the way and as you defoliate and top sections either tied and bent as horizontal as you want your canopy. All of those growth tips will turn upward ASAP and could see a bust of development.

Buzz ON…


I’m not a big defoliator personally and those are about where mine would be after I stripped them to where I usually do. Good lollipopping they should get some pretty good flow under there. Buy a cheap clip fan at Walmart and put it just blasting under the canopy to keep things moving.

I was also going to suggest tongs or something like that for reaching too. Can you get at the back of your tent somehow to cut a small access hatch? I built my box with two doors for exactly this problem lol


Can you increase air circulation to the back row/lowers easily? I’d rather plug in a cheap fan than mess with removing a trellis in mid flower.


What would you consider good lollipopping? I have tried it aggressively once, and my yields suffered.

Thanks for your opinions folks.

I think I will try to use my aquascaping tools to get to the back plants and see how well i can do first.

Not anxious to take apart the trellis and irrigation loops…

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Idk i dont want everyone blasting me but i stack em tight like that by accudent all the time. They end up mold free n all. I do minor defol to allow light to seriously blocked budsites and run couple fans. Cheap 20" boxes at floor level gets air through the jungle. And good oscilating between canopy n light.
Nice patch. Buckle up its about to be going down in there.


For me it’s just like you’ve done there…the bottom few inches/nodes. I know people who take like 2 ft off a 3ft plant and I think it’s counterproductive at that point. Some people just do it because they only want big nugs and/or hate trimming lol


I have a small tent 4 x 3 and built a platform for it with casters… just pull it away from the wall and unzip the back… I’d go with the first choice a little more work now rather than allot of agrivatikn the rest of the grow.


Let er rip without a trellis & just put a stake here & there.

Too hell with pain! :smile:


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My first thought whenever I see a grabber but I definitely feel your pain on when things get way overgrown lol. I’ve had a bad habit of waiting for them to get bigger than they should before flipping to 12/12.