Pain, pot, and pets

I see lots here on pain, and pets. But not really at the same time. Briefly where I am today. I've had  chronic low back pain for years. Worked hard, played hard,  lived hard. Several back injuries. Ruptured discs 6 years ago in the area with my worst degenerative arthritis. Not a surgical candidate at this point but maybe in the future.

I never don’t hurt. Nights can be bad. Being in pain by yourself in the dark is a bad place. For my mind anywys. Not a concern here, but I understand how people make permanent, regrettably poor decisions.
I’m a cat guy. Had them whole life. Dogs too, but not many. Today I have 2, Maui and Leo. 5 year old cats we inherited 2 1/2 years ago. I swear to God, Leo is the full empath cat. He knows. He lost an arm 7 months back from cancer, but is 110% recovered. After surgery I was his guy. Easy duty for me, but still a big deal. Now…especially at night he’s never out of reach if I’m awake and hurting he’s never out of reach. If I get up, so does he. Outside to smoke at 3am, he’s with me. He makes a HUGE difference for me. Can’t calculate his value.
During the day I’m able to deal with the pain better. Smoke lots of cones. Always chasing the “good for pain” strain. Then I start wondering if it’s really helping the pain, or I’m just so stoned I don’t notice it so much. I vape a lot in the house. I make cannabutter. Strong as I can. Lots of edibles, a spoonful in the coffee and Cream of Wheat. Other than some dry sift from mine, no smoking concentrates of any type.
How are you folks consuming with pain management as the goal. The shits not leaving,so onward i go. Slowly at times. What consumption method, of what works on your pain.
But I really want to know what part your pets play in improving your quality of life. He’s Leo at midnight while I type. Happy Thanksgiving folks,!


Here’s buddy saying wake up stupid:

I woke up with my back killing me at 3am and had a bath.


Love saves…


Never thought of a bath at that hour. Nice tip. A bath and a bag off the Volcano sounds good.


Hi buddy
I to have issues with pain

Have you tried eating cannabis products ?

I fine things made with RSO is much better for me for pain relief I also recommend RSO capsules especially if you want to avoid sugar

I make cannabis sugar and enjoy edibles but I can get fat quickly so the capsules are better



Never made RSO, but have what I need to make it. Never been properly shown how. I put straight butter in my coffee. I get stuck in a rut, and lazy too.

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Have you tried to make canna sugar
If you have tincture around you can make sugar

I use it in my coffee