Palau landrace sources?

Hi all,

I have some good friends from the island of Guam who tell stories of the best pure sativa they ever had while growing up on Guam, coming from the neighboring islands of Palau.

Unfortunately they don’t have access to these genetics any longer but I was wondering if anyone has some beans, or knows a source? It seems the medical and recreational market is also hybridizing the strains they have on Guam, so outside of going to Palau and digging around I’m not sure where to look?

With that said, Palau looks to be an amazing place for anyone interested in diving, snorkeling, and getting to a pristine coral reef environment so if anyone has the time and coin to go out there and look around, let me know!

I’d love to do a seed run of some pure sativa from palau to both try the uplifting energetic bud they still talk about, and preserve for the future.



raises his hand I VOLUNTEER FOR THE TRIP! Palau is at the TOP of my “Want to Dive before I Die” list. One of the most pristine, undamaged reefs left in the world.

Can we can an OG fundraiser going? I’ll gladly do the legwork!


Haha well if there are donors coming through to finance, I think I’ll need to go with you!

It’s on my bucket list for the same reasons. They are way ahead of the curve in regards to taking care of the environment. While I haven’t scuba dived; I’d learn before going.

I’ve done a fair amount of searching but never found verifiable seeds.

Hopefully a philanthropist will come through for us haha

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You got that right, they don’t mess around!

They burn and sink the boats of poachers!!! No slaps on the wrist there. (the boats just add to the reef ultimately)


i dont dive but i would be happy to chaperone or do security duty :yum:


i know someone has a fidji. neighbor island)
its an australian guy / on newzelland. So these might even be old collected . (old Lines are my personal favorite.)

i can tell you in PM who he is


all the best that was a long time ago and in his youth;) good luck in your search!

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